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Michael Rosenbaum worked with Alisson Mack on Smallville for eight seasons. On his webcast/podcast, Inside of You, the actor discussed Mack’s involvement with the NXIVM cult. And he recalled a bizarre incident that led him to kick the actor out of his house.  

Michael Rosenbaum
Michael Rosenbaum | Donna Ward/Getty Images

‘Smallville’ star Alisson Mack was involved in a cult

While portraying Clark Kent’s (Tom Welling) best friend Chloe Sullivan on Smallville, Mack met NXIVM cult leader Keith Ranier. She joined his group and became one of its highest-profile members. Mack ultimately served as second-in-command to Raniere, and appeared in many of NXVIM’s promotional clips. 

But what was initially touted as a self-help group turned out to be a sex cult. In April 2018, Mack was arrested on charges of sex trafficking and forced labor conspiracy. Authorities suggested that the actor was recruited other women to join NXIVM and then blackmailed them into having sexual relations with Raniere.  

In April 2019, Mack pleaded guilty to racketeering charges and is currently awaiting sentencing. The same year, Raniere was convicted on seven charges, including sex trafficking, forced labor conspiracy, and racketeering. 

Allison Mack invited Michael Rosenbaum to NXIVM class while working on ‘Smallville’

On a 2019 episode of his podcast, Inside of You, Rosenbaum talked to his Smallville co-star Tom Welling about Mack and her involvement in NXIVM. Rosenbaum revealed that Mack had once invited him to come to an NXIVM self-help session. 

“I remember one time, maybe it was Allison who asked me or something, and she was just like, ‘Hey, you should try coming to it,’” Rosenbaum said. “And I was like, ‘No. I don’t know. It’s not for me.” 

Rosenbaum noted that there was no indication that it was a sex cult at the time, but he still refused her offer. And despite working with Mack so closely, Welling said he knew nothing about the group.

“I didn’t know anything about it. … I was very surprised to read anything about it,” Welling said. “It sounds very bizarre. Allison was always a nice person around me —  It’s also funny that people think that we would know or that we would have some perspective on it.”

Michael Rosenbaum had to kick Allison Mack out of his house

On a 2020 episode of Inside of You, Rosenbaum recalled a disturbing incident with Mack. Sometime after Rosenbaum left Smallville, Mack reached out to him and asked to come over for a visit. But she showed up at his house with two friends. 

“She’s in the vicinity, she comes over the house,” Rosenbaum recalled. “And she walks in and [when] she walked in she was a different person. She walked in like she owned my house, like literally, she owned my home.”


HBO’s ‘The Vow’ Examines the NXIVM Sex Cult That Recruited 2 ‘Smallville’ Actors

Rosenbaum said that Mack and her friends casually walked into his kitchen, pulled out pots and pans, and started cooking. When he asked what they were doing, Mack said they were making food because they were hungry. 

Rosenbaum was uncomfortable with this invasion of space. So he asked Mack and her companions to leave. But her male friend became physically and verbally violent.

“‘You just come in, you start cooking in my house, you guys don’t even say why,’” Rosenbaum said he told Mack and her friends. “Why don’t you guys just go. I’d actually like you to get the f**k out of my house.’”

But the actor noted that Mack’s reaction to him was even more bizarre than the visit. “I remember I was waiting for Allison to sort of jump in and say ‘I’m so sorry, no no, he doesn’t mean this,’” Rosenbaum revealed. “There was nothing. It was just like, it was almost like they were zombies. That’s how I remember. I’ll never forget it.”