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Many celebrities have the clout to meet their idols, however, not all of them meet their idols in conventional places. For example, Steven Tyler of Aerosmith met Paul McCartney at a urinal. Paul had something to say to Tyler — and the connection between the two singers did  not end there.

Aerosmith in front of a wall
Aerosmith | Jeff Kravitz/FilmMagic

How The Beatles inspired Aerosmith

Firstly, a little background. Aerosmith’s sound owes a lot to the blues rock of the 1960s. This sound was typified by The Rolling Stones, however, the Stones were not the only band to make great blues rock songs during that decade.

The Beatles, being masters of all trades, made great blues rock songs as well. “Get Back” and “Don’t Let Me Down” are some of the best songs of that subgenre. With that in mind, it makes sense Aerosmith’s Joe Perry sees The Beatles as a major influence.

“Come Together”

According to Music Radar, Perry became interested in the Fab Four after watching then perform on The Ed Sullivan Show. Afterward, he saw A Hard Days’ Night and decided he wanted to join a band. Perry said “The Beatles taught us all so much. They taught us to be brave, to follow our dreams and aim high. That’s a wonderful legacy to leave.” Fittingly, Aerosmith covered “Come Together” for the surreal Beatles tribute film Sgt. Pepper’s Lonely Hearts Club Band.  

What happened when Steven Tyler met Paul McCartney

The connection between The Beatles and Aerosmith doesn’t end there. During an interview with Blabbermouth, Tyler was asked if he ever felt embarrassed when he met one of his idols.

“Dream On”

I don’t know about disappointed or embarrassed, but my first meeting with Paul McCartney was certainly memorable,” Tyler said. “I was in a backstage urinal at the Hammersmith Odeon. McCartney walked in, started doing what people do in urinals. For the record, I did not check his size out.” 

McCartney didn’t remain silent. “But I’m taking this piss that seems to be taking forever, and Paul says, ‘Hey! Steven Tyler. I f*cking love your music.’ And he gives me the famous thumbs up with his one free hand. Well, that snapped my stream, right there. It turned out to be quite a night, that one. I recall fat ones being smoked and a lot of wrestling around on the floor.”

“Helter Skelter”

The Singer John Lennon Said Was as Important as Paul McCartney and Bob Dylan Combined

A time Steven Tyler worked with Paul McCartney

This was not the last time Tyler encountered Paul. According to Loudersound, Paul introduced Tyler as a “special guest” during a 2019 concert. There, Paul and Tyler performed a duet of the classic Beatles song “Helter Skelter.” Considering “Helter Skelter” bares many similarities to Aerosmith’s classic style, it was a good choice for a duet. Aerosmith and The Beatles have crossed paths in multiple ways — including at a urinal.