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There’s no doubt that the Kardashian family stays very busy. Fortunately, they have a veritable team of hired help at their disposal, including highly-trained nannies to look after their children.

Recently, a few of the more outrageous rules that the Kardashian family’s nannies must follow was revealed, and the diva demands surprised even those who thought they knew the famous family well.

Kim Kardashian and Kanye West
Kim Kardashian and Kanye West | ANGELA WEISS/AFP/Getty Images

Being a Kardashian nanny is a 24/7 job

The Kardashians have unusual careers, so it stands to reason that the people who watch their children be open to extended hours.

Reportedly, the Kardashian family keeps their nannies on call all around the clock, and if a last-minute engagement or interview pops up, the family nanny must always be ready to step in.

This rule extends to vacations as well – everyone knows how much the Kardashian family loves a luxurious getaway, but even in the finest of surroundings, the children have to be taken care of. The obvious plus to this arrangement is that the nannies get to enjoy stunning getaways on the family’s dime – even if they are working.

While the exact salaries of the Kardashian nannies have never been revealed, it seems likely that the pay would be quite hefty. After all, the nannies must pass extensive background checks, testing, and reportedly, even an audition process. 

Kardashian nannies must be dressed to impress

The Kardashian family is always dressed to the nines when they step out, even if that means the latest in athletic wear. They want their hired help to maintain a standard of fashion, even when on the job.

The recently-released report details how the family expects their nannies to always be wearing something that they wouldn’t mind being photographed in – which seems to be anything clean, presentable, and on-trend. The paparazzi are never far away and the Kardashians like to remain prepared.

While the nannies might expect to end up in some tabloid photographs, chances are low that they will ever appear on episodes of Keeping Up with the Kardashians. Reportedly, the family wants to keep their children’s caregivers well away from the spotlight – likely due to safety concerns.

Therefore, while fans occasionally get glimpses of the kids on the show, they will very rarely see the hired help, and if they do, it will be with their faces blurred out. As far as the kids, even though they are allowed to be on the show, it is strictly against the rules for the nannies to take or share photographs of the Kardashian kids – privacy is key for this famous family.

Kardashian nannies must remain calm at all times

Personality is very important when becoming a nanny for one of the Kardashians. The family wants their help to be calm, cool, and collected, even in the midst of constant activity. They have to be able to fulfill multiple roles and even handle things above and beyond their scope of duty – some insiders have claimed that the Kardashians expect their nannies to take care of their pets as well as their children.

Some sources maintain that the Kardashians have had their nannies do all kinds of random things, including providing an arm for makeup swatches. 

All in all, being a Kardashian nanny is nowhere near as glamorous as it sounds. Between the grueling schedule, the constant activity, and the strict confidentiality that the position requires, it makes sense that the process to get hired is so complicated.

Not many people would be cut out for such a role – but it seems like the ones that do get to enjoy some truly worthwhile perks.Â