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Hip-hop mogul Sean “P. Diddy” Combs might be in serious trouble with the law. On March 25, 2024, Homeland Security raided two of Combs’ properties. No charges have been filed yet, but footage showing Combs attacking his ex-girlfriend, Casandra “Cassie” Ventura, was released in May 2024. Here’s what an attorney said about the probability of charges brought against Combs.

Sean ‘P. Diddy’ Combs will likely face ‘charges’ following the Homeland Security raid, an attorney says

Homeland Security raided two of Sean “P. Diddy” Combs’ properties in March 2024, prompting fans of the hip-hop mogul to wonder what was going on. Officials stated that this was the start of an investigation into sex trafficking. As of May 2024, precisely what Homeland Security found during their raid is still unclear. However, famed attorney Gloria Allred said on Piers Morgan Uncensored that she believes Combs will face charges after the raid.

“However, we know there are federal investigators, Homeland Security, that raided based on a search warrant, both of his homes in Miami and in Los Angeles, and retrieved electronic material among other material,” Allred said. “For example, phones, laptops, other electronic equipment. Those items may contain videos that your guest, [Combs’ former head of security, Roger Bonds], alluded to. We don’t know. The fact that there was at least probable cause to search both of his homes in a highly-publicized raid leads me to believe that it’s very possible that charges will be filed in the future by the Department of Justice against Mr. Combs.”

Allred then referenced the case against R. Kelly, which also involved Homeland Security. “That involved sex trafficking,” she continued. ” … Right now, he is presumed innocent unless and until he is proven guilty in a court of law, and we’ll see, one, if there’s going to be an indictment. And two, if there is an indictment, what are the charges, and we’ll see what his defenses are.”

Casandra 'Cassie' Ventura standing next to Sean 'P. Diddy' Combs at the Grammys in 2018
Casandra ‘Cassie’ Ventura and Sean ‘P. Diddy’ Combs | Jewel Samad/AFP via Getty Images

Sean ‘P. Diddy’ Combs’ Former Security Described Combs Going ‘Crazy’ on Cassie Outside of Event

A former LA County sex crimes prosecutor suggested investigators are trying to build a sex trafficking case

The Homeland Security raid on Sean “P. Diddy” Combs’ two properties received much public attention. According to LA County sex crimes prosecutor Dmitry Gorin, investigators were searching for “videos or photographs on any devices connected to the target … anywhere where digital images can be found in connection to sexual conduct that would have been recorded,” the LA Times notes.

No arrests have yet been made in connection with Combs’ properties. However, women continue to come forward with allegations against Combs. Additionally, a video showing Combs attacking his ex-girlfriend, Casandra “Cassie” Ventura, in an LA hotel hallway is making its rounds. Combs apologized for the events in the video and posted his apology on Instagram.

Casandra ‘Cassie’ Ventura posted in response to a video showing Sean ‘P. Diddy’ Combs attacking her in a hotel

Casandra “Cassie” Ventura had a lawsuit against Sean “P. Diddy” Combs in 2023. She alleged that Combs raped and repeatedly caused her physical harm. Ventura and Combs settled out of court shortly after she filed the lawsuit. Now, the public is back to focusing on Ventura following the release of the hotel footage.

Ventura posted a response to the footage that shows Combs viciously attacking her.

“Thank you for all of the love and support from my family, friends, strangers, and those I have yet to meet,” she posted to Instagram. “The outpouring of love has created a place for my younger self to settle and feel safe now, but this is only the beginning. Domestic Violence is THE issue. It broke me down to someone I never thought I would become. With a lot of hard work, I am better today, but I will always be recovering from my past.”

How to get help: In the U.S., call the RAINN National Sexual Assault Telephone Hotline at 1-800-656-4673 to connect with a trained staff member from a sexual assault service provider in your area. 

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