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Audrey Hepburn is considered one of the best actors from the ’50s and ’60s. The actor was known for her impressive talent and stage presence, but her looks also often took center stage in conversations. The star was famous for her doe-eyed look, which made her ethereal, but she wasn’t solely responsible for the signature look.

Audrey Hepburn smiling, in black and white
Audrey Hepburn | Hulton Archive/Getty Images

Audrey Hepburn became an actor because she couldn’t become a ballet dancer

Hepburn was born into an aristocratic family, but their family’s wealth got lost during the Second World War. At the time, the star was only 11 years old, and her family survived by eating tulip bulbs and nettles and drinking water to feel full, nearly starving to death at one point.

According to her son Luca Dotti, Hepburn stood at 5’6″ but weighed a measly 88 lbs. and had jaundice and edema. Hepburn relocated to London on a ballet scholarship and supported herself by working as a model.

However, her dreams wouldn’t come to fruition as the school that had offered her a scholarship dismissed her despite her talent, saying her weak frame would make achieving prima ballerina status impossible. Hepburn decided to abandon ballet dancing and began actively looking for acting jobs.

She appeared in a few projects like Dutch in Seven Lessons, High Button Shoes, and The Lavender Hill Mob. It wasn’t until 1953 that Hepburn achieved stardom after appearing in her first leading role in Roman Holiday. The movie was a success and opened doors for the young star as she went on to appear in several subsequent hit projects like Sabrina, The Nun’s Story, and Breakfast at Tiffany’s.

Audrey Hepburn’s makeup artist was responsible for the star’s doe-eyed look

Hepburn was famous for her talent and kind heart, but her feminine brows and beauty surpassed many others. The star’s doe-eyed look made her look young even as she continued to age, and as it turns out, she wasn’t the brains behind the look.

Hepburn adored her makeup artist, Alberto de Rossi. The two worked together for a long time on many of her movies and were so close that she was reportedly inconsolable when she learned of his passing. Rossi’s death made Hepburn consider quitting acting because she couldn’t imagine not working with him anymore.

It’s easy to see why the Breakfast at Tiffany’s star was so close to the artist. Not only were they really good friends, but he was also responsible for the star’s legendary eyes. In his book, Audrey Hepburn: An Elegant Spirit, Dotti wrote that Rossi was in charge of maintaining Hepburn’s signature look.

According to the star’s son, the process involved applying three coats of mascara to her eyelashes to create a layered effect. Rossi would then painstakingly separate each eyelash with a safety pin to avoid clumping.

Vogue France reports that in lieu of safety pins, Rossi would opt for tweezers to achieve the same effect. According to Hepburn’s son Sean Hepburn Ferrer, his mother continued the eyelash trick even when Rossi wasn’t around.

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Hepburn’s eyelashes weren’t the only focus, as her full brows also received equal attention. Hepburn reportedly achieved her iconic thick arches using a dark brown eyebrow pencil. Additionally, the star always radiated a certain glow to her, which can be attributed to her dedication to staying hydrated at all times, using moisturizer, and having SPF on the ready.

The actor also believed in always taking off all her makeup at the end of every day. She once said, “Working in the theatre, I’ve seen what not removing makeup well can really do to the skin. So I’m very careful about that.” Hepburn also kept a dermatologist on standby.