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Bad Bunny is a bona fide rock star. In just a few short years, the Puerto Rican rapper has gone from bagging groceries at his local supermarket to globally-recognized artist, selling out massive venues around the world. Having such a demanding lifestyle requires a lot of energy from Bad Bunny; as a result, he sometimes goes without sleeping for several days.

Bad Bunny, wearing green overalls
Bad Bunny | Steve Jennings/Getty Images

Bad Bunny goes days without sleeping

Bad Bunny opened up about his dizzying rise to fame in a 2022 interview with GQ.

“I don’t know if it’s just me or everyone, but the higher I go, the more pressure I feel,” he said honestly. “Maybe, for some people, it’s different in that the higher they go, the less pressure they feel, because maybe they’re confident that everything they do will be a success. But I’m the opposite — the more I acquire an audience, the more I go up, the more pressure I feel to keep going. Sometimes, I can’t sleep thinking about that. I go days without sleeping.”

He remains humble today

Despite being so famous around the world, Bad Bunny still isn’t able to process just how loved he is as he watches people screaming at his shows.

“You never get used to that,” the Super Bowl halftime show performer said. “It never becomes normal. It will always cause emotions to see people get so excited and receive you that way. It changes you.”

Even though he’s a world-renowned superstar today, he stays down-to-earth in his everyday life. “Some things change because it’s impossible for them not to when you get a lot of success and a bunch of money you didn’t have before,” he said. “But my inner self, my person is intact.”

“Many artists become famous, and they suddenly start to change their circle of people, and then people start to filter through,” he added. “Like, ‘Now, I’m closer friends with so-and-so. Now, I’m better friends with this one because he also has money.’ I continue to surround myself with the same people. I keep my same circle. I’m always in contact with my family, even when I can’t see them.”


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He forgets he’s famous outside of Puerto Rico

Bad Bunny is unique from Latin music superstars that came before him like Shakira and Ricky Martin in that he hasn’t had to start singing in English to make a mainstream crossover in the US. It’s an achievement that he’s proud of, and a long-overdue chance to the American music market. “It’s like that curtain fell,” he said. “Everyone is in the same league, on the same court. I’ve said that from the beginning.”

He admitted that his massive success caught him by surprise, as he never intended to make music — or cultivate an image — that would have a global impact.

“I was never on a mission to be like, Oh, this is what I’m going to do,” he said. “It happened organically. Like, I’ve never made a song saying, ‘This is going to go worldwide.’ I never made a song thinking, ‘Man, this is for the world. This is to capture the gringo audience.’ Never. On the contrary, I make songs as if only Puerto Ricans were going to listen to them. I still think I’m there making music, and it’s for Puerto Ricans. I forget the entire world listens to me.”