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Bear Grylls quickly became synonymous with the outdoors and survival after the release of his show, Man vs. Wild. TV fans watched each week to see how Grylls would survive tricky situations out in the wild.

Man vs. Wild ended in 2011 and apparently, Grylls can’t stay indoors. Now he’s filming Running Wild with Bear Grylls and taking other celebrities on his adventures. Channing Tatum is one of his famous “victims,” and he has a few things to say about his time with Grylls.    

Tatum appeared twice on ‘Running Wild with Bear Grylls’

Tatum has appeared on Running Wild two times, so far. 

The first opportunity was in Yosemite National Park. He spent 48 hours with Grylls doing all kinds of adventurous activities. You can see them doing things like backflips into a lake, killing and eating scorpions, and sleeping on thin cliffs.

Thankfully, Tatum had some camping experience before his first adventure but this trip definitely tested his skills. The itinerary was not planned before Tatum arrived. 

Tatum’s second excursion with Grylls was in the mountains of Norway. This trip included learning how to make a fire using flint and birch and spelunking through a rather claustrophobic cave structure. He also got to climb a wet cliff face that was over 100 feet tall and solo skydive.

According to ET, Grylls also puts Tatum through a seven-mile trek and Navy SEAL training. This training includes enduring three minutes in an ice-cold river for cold-water immersion training. 

Tatum did his first solo skydive with Grylls 

Tatum sat down with Vanity Fair for an interview (aka lie detector test). 

When discussing appearing on Grylls’ show twice, Tatum is asked, “Are you trying to prove something by appearing on his show?” 

Tatum answers with a “Yes, probably,” and then he further explains, “Actually he said that when I was about to jump out…we were about to take off. I had never skydived before solo because no one could save me if everything went wrong. He was like, ‘This takes balls, man.'”

Bear Grylls and Channing Tatum outside with backpacks
Bear Grylls and Channing Tatum | NBC / Contributor

Tatum was taken aback by Grylls’ statement. He further explains, “And I was just like, ‘What? I don’t want you to say that. I want you to say that this is gonna be fine. This is gonna be really easy.’ But yeah, I’m sure I have something to prove that I’m not just some scared actor that doesn’t want to do any of his own stunts.” 

Tatum is asked further, “Did you secretly use a stuntman for those challenges?”

He confidently responds, “On Bear Grylls? No, definitely not.”

The person giving the lie detector test confirms that his answer is not a lie. 

Tatum can’t turn Grylls down 


Ranking Bear Grylls’ 5 Near-Death Experiences

When doing an interview with Sandra Bullock for Wired, the question, “How many times has Channing Tatum been on Bear Grylls?” had to be asked. 

Tatum responds, “Two times, and the last one was in Norway, and I got to jump out of a helicopter.”

Tatum admits that he can’t really turn down Grylls when it comes to being on his show. He said, “Whenever Bear calls, I know I’m gonna get to do something I’ve never done before, so…Bear’s a legend as well.”

Tatum asks Bullock if she has ever been on Grylls’ show and she emphatically responds, “No….I might should just stay home and watch it…Don’t want that kind of entertainment. I like the safety of my home.

Bullock would much prefer to go out for dinner than spend her time having wild adventures in the great outdoors.