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[SPOILER ALERT: This article contains spoilers from Big Brother 23.]

Following the kickoff competitions, three Big Brother 23 houseguests from the teams at risk for eviction faced off in the Wildcard for safety. The winner, and whoever they chose, would become ineligible for nominations, alongside the Joker team. Who won the first Wildcard competition?

Big Brother 23 living room
Big Brother 23 living room | Scott Storey/CBS/Getty Images

The Jokers are safe for ‘Big Brother 23’ Week 1

Similar to last season, the houseguests immediately faced off in groups of four for the power of team captain. Afterward, the winners picked their members based on a short introduction video.

“Frenchie” French selected Azah Awasum, Britni D’Angelo, and Derek Frazier for the Jokers, Whitney Williams chose Brent Champagne, Derek Xiao, and Hannah Chaddha to assemble the Aces, Christian Birkenberger picked Alyssa Lopez, Xavier Prather, and Sarah Steagall to complete the Kings, and Claire Rehfuss went with Kyland Young, Tiffany Mitchell, and Travis Long for her Queens’ team.

Following the selections, the groups teamed up for another competition to determine the Head of Household. Jokers came out on top, guaranteeing Frenchie as the HOH and the entire team’s safety.

Christian won the Wildcard Competition

On Day 2, a single houseguest from the other teams at risk competed in the first Wildcard of the season. Similar to last seasons’ Safety Suite, the winner of the competition is safe from eviction, as well as another houseguest of their choosing.

After six hours, it was revealed Hannah (Aces), Kyland (Queens), and Christian (Kings) faced off for immunity, with the latter winning. He chose to save teammate Xavier.

According to Sarah, she encouraged Christian to compete for their team, believing Frenchie planned on targeting him. The newly crowned HOH already told several houseguests he wouldn’t nominate a woman or person of color for eviction and planned on breaking up any possible showmances.

He also noted a “bro” rarely exits the house first and wanted to change that. Therefore, Frenchie did plan to target Christian and will likely nominate Brent, although they previously connected, and Travis.

At one point, he wanted to backdoor Derek X., believing he started rumors in the house. Later that night, following the Wildcard, he unsuccessfully attempted to find someone to become a pawn that week.

Frenchie created several alliances to guarantee his safety

Quickly following the kickoff competitions, Frenchie began creating alliances in the house. He spoke to Tiffany and Whitney to form a Parents group and approached several people he wanted to “ride or die with,” titled the Butchers.

The new HOH included Christian, Derek F., Kyland, and Xavier in the group, noting they would “handle business” and wanted to invite three more outliers to form The Slaughterhouse.

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He also made separate deals with several houseguests not included in the group in exchange for protection moving forward, putting himself in a position where he needed someone to volunteer as a pawn.

Therefore, others began realizing Frenchie might have overplayed his hand and formed The Firefighters, comprised of Derek X., Kyland, Claire, Travis, and Tiffany, meant to extinguish the HOH’s “fires.” Big Brother 23 airs on CBS.