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Sometimes Big Brother fans struggle to figure out what is the truth and what are lies. One way houseguests help fans follow along is by telling the cameras their plans. Tiffany Mitchell updated fans and revealed who she wants to sit next to on finale night. 

[Spoiler alert: Spoilers from the Big Brother 23 live feeds on Aug. 2!]

Tiffany Mitchell was working with Kyland Young on ‘Big Brother’

Tiffany is very protected in the game. She is in The Cookout, which includes Azah Awasum, Derek Frazier, Kyland Young, and Xavier Prather. They also agreed to look out for Hannah Chaddah.

The Cookout has managed to stay safe so far. Tiffany became very close to Kyland, and they began telling each other their true plans. It looked like they had a final two deal, but the dynamics of the house changed in week 4.

That’s because Sarah Beth Steagall started targeting Hannah very hard. Christian Birkenberger won Head of Household (HOH), and it took some convincing for him to target Whitney Williams instead, but he still put Hannah on the block. Many houseguests started to notice how close Kyland is to Sarah Beth, and it looks like Tiffany changed her plans. 

Tiffany Mitchell tells fans who she wants to sit next to on finale night

Tiffany has been working closely with Kyland, but it looks like he might not be her closest ally anymore. “I would love to sit in the final two chairs with Chaddha. That’s Hannah. She’s an amazing young woman,” she told the cameras.

Sadly, Hannah is becoming more of a target to other houseguests, so that’s making that goal harder. “If Alyssa [Lopez] wins, she wants to go after Hannah too, and that does not work for me,” she later told the cameras. “So that means I can’t discuss my true plans moving forward next week with Christian and Alyssa.”

This means she’ll be going after the Kings (Xavier, Alyssa, Sarah Beth, Christian) next week. She said Britini D’Angelo would go on the block next week if she wins. She also said she’d refuse to vote out Hannah even if the rest of the house votes against her.

Tiffany is targeting Sarah Beth on ‘Big Brother 23’

Tiffany Mitchell smiles and wears a white floral dress.
Tiffany Mitchell of ‘Big Brother 23’ | Cliff Lipson/CBS via Getty Images

‘Big Brother 23’: Why Some Fans Are Worried About the Superfans in the Cast

Many houseguests were trying to win the HOH competition in week 4 to try to take it from the Kings. That’s because it’s the last team to have all of its members. Christian earned the team’s second HOH in a row to stay safe.

The Kings are very aware that they were a target. They will be again once the week is through.

Tiffany has been working hard to make Sarah Beth a target for next week. She has talked about putting Sarah on the block with Kyland to make sure she gets evicted.