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Big Brother 24 had a dramatic first week. Fans are reacting to Monte Taylor getting tricked and starting a rumor about Taylor Hale.

[SPOILER ALERT: Major spoilers ahead for the Big Brother 24 episode that aired on July 13, 2022.]  

Monte Taylor blows up Taylor Hale’s game on ‘Big Brother 24’

Taylor Hale, who fans can see on the 'Big Brother 24' live feeds, wears a teal dress.
Taylor Hale | Photo: CBS

Jasmine Davis, Alyssa Snider, and Paloma Aguilar talked about how the women need to stick together. Taylor was in the room listening to them. 

They mentioned how the men who are Have-Nots (Joseph Abdin, Michael Bruner, Monte Taylor, and Kyle Capener) are getting very close. Paloma said she wanted to know what was going on with the boys. “Yeah, they are all together,” Taylor told them. 

“I’m hearing this gender paranoia started bubbling in the game, and we’re way too early for those lines in the sand to be drawn,” Taylor said in the diary room. “I always wanna play a female-forward game. But it just doesn’t make sense to make those boundaries so early on.”

Since she’s been talking to the guys a lot, Paloma asked Taylor if she had any intel. “I wish I had some,” she answered. The ladies didn’t believe her. Taylor later talked to Monte and gave him a heads up when he asked if she had talked to Paloma.

“She’s terrified that you four boys together are coming for the girls,” Taylor said. Monte later talked to Paloma about this. He claimed Taylor said, “Oh, just to let you know, Paloma is really going for like the big dogs in the house.” Paloma denied this multiple times, and everyone believed her. 

Monte discussed the situation with Daniel Durston, the Head of Household (HOH). This time he claimed Taylor told him that Paloma wanted the replacement nominee to be a man.

“And it kills me as a Black man to do this because, in my perspective, I know from my community I’m sure they would have loved to see as many Black folks stay in this house as long as possible and maybe even possibly work with Taylor,” Monte told Daniel. “And I would have loved that too. But now I’m forced to not do that anymore because of her actions.”

‘Big Brother 24’ fans are angry with Monte for targeting Taylor

Fans had a lot to say about the new episode on Reddit. Some of the negative comments were targeted at Monte.

“Monte you would have sold out The Cookout in a heartbeat,” one person wrote.

“Monte is such a clown,” another fan added. “Monte you fool!” someone else wrote.

“Taylor made a bad game move. Monte is a lame, though. He never wanted to believe Taylor and then turns around and gives the lukewarm ‘I know people might be disappointed in me because I’m Black’ speech,” a fan commented.

Daniel tells Taylor to apologize at the veto meeting

‘Big Brother 24’ Spoiler: Is the Girls Girls Alliance Over After a Betrayal?

The house was successful with its goal to have Taylor be the replacement nominee. However, even they were shocked by Daniel’s speech.

“Personally, it’s been hard to open up sometimes between me and you about game and life,” he told Taylor. “But generally don’t have a problem with you. It has come to my attention though, that you have been rubbing the house the wrong way a little bit. And what’s good for the house is good for my long-term game. So you’re in the position now where you can rally for votes and maybe even apologize for some things you’ve said in this house.”

Taylor seemed shocked and tearful after the meeting. Fans will have to wait to see if she, Terrance Higgins, or someone from Backstage will go home.