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Big Brother 24 houseguests Michael Bruner and Brittany Hoopes successfully turned the houseguests on Kyle Capener by exposing his offensive theory. Host Julie Chen Moonves finds their timing “questionable” and thinks it could cost Michael the win.

Michael Bruner and Brittany Hoopes exposed Kyle Capener

During the Split House twist, Kyle Capener exposed The Leftovers to Dyre Fest Head of Household Terrance Higgins to save himself and his girlfriend, Alyssa Snider.

It worked as Terrance targeted Joseph Abdin, ultimately resulting in his eviction. Following his exit, Terrance, Kyle, and Matt “Turner” teamed up as the After Party, and Turner, the outgoing HOH, proved his loyalty to them by nominating Brittany Hoopes and Taylor Hale.

His nominations hinted to Michael Bruner that he was the backdoor target, and he saved himself with the Power of Veto. Michael then went to work to turn the house against Kyle by revealing the Utah native’s pitch to align against the non-white houseguests, assuming they were secretly working together, similar to last season’s Cookout.

It worked as the revelation upset his former allies Monte Taylor, Taylor, and Terrance. Feeling as though it was in the right interest of the house, Turner backdoored his final two partner, resulting in his eviction.

‘Big Brother’ host Julie Chen Moonves calls their timing ‘questionable’

Following Kyle’s exit, host Julie Chen Moonves spoke to Entertainment Weekly about the fallout and possible backlash from the situation.

Michael and Brittany knew about Kyle’s theory a couple of weeks before releasing it and seemingly waited to release the information for when it benefited them, even though the two denied it.

When asked about their “timing,” the longtime presenter admitted she found it “questionable.” Moonves pointed out that the two debated using the information for “leverage,” but Brittany preferred to wait until after they played the Power of Veto.

Although Michael won and earned safety, he still shared it, admitting he wanted to protect Big BroChella members Monte, Taylor, and Brittany. The host pointed out, “It looks like, to me, he used this information at a time he had little to lose and a lot to gain.” 

Will Michael’s move backfire on him?

When asked who she believes is currently in the “best position to win” following the Split House twist and the emotional week before Kyle’s eviction, Moonves answered Michael.

While she noted how “clever” the superfan is and his status as a competition beast, making him a frontrunner, the host pointed out that his timing in exposing Kyle might backfire when the jurors hear about it. “Will it be considered acceptable at the end of the day?” She wondered.


‘Big Brother 24’: Terrance Thinks Kyle ‘Learned His Lesson’ and Should Stay

The host might be on to something as Terrance has already called out Michael and Brittany for waiting to reveal the information about Kyle. When the Chicago-based DJ got put on the block, Terrance got upset and told several houseguests that he found their timing suspicious.

He felt as though they deserved as much blame as Kyle and declared they shouldn’t win the competition. Terrance also threatened to poison the jury against Michael, promising that he planned to share information with them. Therefore, it is possible that Michael’s move could cost him the victory if he makes it to the Final Two. Big Brother 24 airs Wednesdays, Thursdays, and Sundays on CBS.