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[SPOILER ALERT: Spoilers ahead for Big Brother 24 Week 2 Head of Household nominations and Power of Veto results.]

Following the Head of Household competition and Nomination Ceremony after Paloma Aguilar’s exit, the Big Brother 24 houseguests faced off for the Power of Veto. Who won the second POV of the season?

Michael Bruner won his second Power of Veto during ‘Big Brother 24’ Week 2

Last week, Head of Household Daniel Durston nominated Michael Bruner and Terrance Higgins for eviction, with the former as the target due to his super fandom.

Correctly sensing he would likely leave if he didn’t win the Power of Veto, Michael incorporated “WWJD (what would Janelle [Pierzina] do) and pulled out the victory over Ameerah Jones, saving himself.

This week, Michael spoke with HOH winner Jasmine Davis before the Veto competition and promised he would compete for her if she chose him.

It isn’t clear how he was picked to compete, but Michael won for the second time in a row.

Joe “Pooch” Pucciarelli will likely go home

Shortly after winning the HOH competition, Jasmine initially seemed ready to send Taylor Hale out of the house. Wanting to assist in her eviction, Joe “Pooch” Pucciarelli volunteered himself as a pawn.

Ameerah realized his status as a threat volunteering for the block and encouraged Jasmine to take advantage of it, adding they had the numbers to flip on him. Even though Pooch seemed well positioned in the house as he was a part of several different alliances, many Houseguests, including his allies Kyle and Monte, admitted they wouldn’t care if he got evicted.

Therefore, Jasmine seemed on board with the plan and nominated him alongside Taylor, assuring the latter she wasn’t the target.

If Pooch won the Power of Veto, the Michigan-based pageant queen would become the backup plan with Brittany as the replacement nominee. However, as Michael won, Pooch will likely get blindsided by the end of the week. He is seemingly unaware of the plan.

Paloma Aguilar went home during Week 1

Big Brother 24 kicked off with Daniel winning the first Head of Household competition and Pooch randomly becoming the Backstage Boss. While he couldn’t participate in any competitions that week, the assistant football coach was safe.

He then had to choose three people, eventually settling on Paloma Aguilar, Alyssa Snider, and Brittany Hoopes to join him, that, unlike him, could get voted out by the end of the week.


‘Big Brother 24’ Spoilers: Who Are the Have-Nots for Week 2?

After Michael removed himself with the Veto, Daniel backdoored Taylor, believing he had everyone’s support to get her out of the competition unanimously. A conversation with Monte Taylor made its way around the house, painting Taylor as a bigger target, seemingly guaranteeing her eviction that week.

However, Paloma chose to walk away from the competition before the Houseguests were set to vote due to mental health. As a result, no one else went home, and the Backstage twist was canceled. Big Brother 24 airs Sundays, Wednesdays, and Thursdays on CBS.