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Big Brother 24 unexpectedly got a new showmance at the final five. Taylor Hale and Monte Taylor became closer, but will they betray each other? Taylor asked Monte not to be a Kyle Capener.

[SPOILER ALERT: Spoilers ahead for the Big Brother 24 live feeds on Sept. 16, 2022.] 

Kyle lied to Alyssa during ‘Big Brother 24’

Kyle and Alyssa Snider started as friends this season. She told him about the Girls’ Girls alliance and Old School. He decided to form a majority alliance against them called The Leftovers, and their first move was to take out Ameerah Jones.

Alyssa knew right away that Kyle had lied to her and confronted him. He apologized and pretended he didn’t know what he was doing in the game. 

As Alyssa and Kyle grew closer, he continued to secretly work with The Leftovers. They had sex, and afterward, The Leftovers threw out the idea to backdoor Alyssa. Kyle said no and went to Dyre Fest. That’s when he started to betray the alliance. 

Kyle and Alyssa were a rare case of a showmance not working together. Alyssa admitted to being heartbroken by Kyle’s lies. They broke up right before he was evicted.

Taylor asks Monte not to lie to her like Kyle

Monte and Taylor lay in bed together in the early morning of Sept. 16. They talked about spending some time together after the season. Then they considered if they’ll go public with their showmance this week. Taylor wondered if they should reveal it after the veto, depending on the outcome.

Monte talked about how he purposely didn’t try to be the center of attention this season to avoid being a target. He mentioned how he would tell Kyle that Joseph Abdin kept following him around. He loved him but didn’t want them to become a target as a duo.

“I don’t think you are a Kyle, but please don’t have sex with me then lie to me about the game,” Taylor told him. Monte made a noise showing he wouldn’t. “I told you what time it was,” he added. 

“And I believe you,” she told him. “And I trust you.” They kissed again. 

What’s Monte and Taylor plan this week?

Monte Taylor and Taylor Hale
Monte Taylor and Taylor Hale | Photo: CBS

‘Big Brother 24’: Some Fans Want ‘Chaotic Mess’ Brittany to Win After Betraying Taylor

Taylor won Head of Household and put Brittany Hoopes and Matt “Turner” on the block. The pageant queen wants to move forward with Monte and Brittany. Monte wants to move forward with Taylor and Turner. He also previously made a final two deal with Turner.

The tricky thing is the veto has a lot of power this week and will decide the other two houseguests that’ll move forward. Taylor knows she would win against Brittany and wants that. Sadly, she told Monte this, which gives him more incentive to keep Turner, so she’ll take him instead. Fans will have to wait to see which one will get their way.