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Big Brother has a strong alliance that has managed to stay hidden from other houseguests. But The Cookout’s game might be in jeopardy next week because their honorary member might go on the block.

[Spoiler alert: Spoilers for Big Brother 23 from the live feeds on July 27!]

The Cookout has gone undetected on ‘Big Brother 23’

The Cookout is an alliance that started very early in the season. Tiffany Mitchell, Derek Frazier, Xavier Prather, Azah Awasum, and Kyland Young are the members. They agreed to look out for each other and also included Hannah Chaddah.

The alliance doesn’t meet in order to avoid being noticed by other houseguests. So far, they have managed to be successful, but the fact that they have other alliances does make it harder.

Azah was upset with Xavier for using her team member, Britini D’Angelo, as a pawn. She was also angry with Tiffany and Derek Xiao for targeting Britini in a competition as part of this plan. But they managed to smooth things over.

The Cookout’s game might be in jeopardy in week 4

Everyone in the house is scrambling to figure out a good target for next week. Sarah Beth Steagall dropped Hannah’s name as the next target to her team, Team Kings (Alyssa Lopez, Xavier, and Christian Birkenberger).

She believes Hannah is more of a threat than Whitney Williams, who has been suggested as a possible target for next week. Sarah Beth said Whitney would be easier to manipulate if she became HOH. She then noted that Hannah is smart and is closely connected to Derek Xiao. If they take her out now, then they would have more of Derek X’s loyalty. The rest of her team seemed convinced, and Xavier played along with them.

Team Kings ended their meeting leaning more toward putting Whitney and Hannah on the block, with Hannah being the target. But this is a problem for Xavier, who wants to protect Hannah as an affiliate of The Cookout. 

Could The Cookout be exposed next week?

Hannah Chaddha of 'Big Brother 23' poses with her hands on her hips in front of a grey background.
Hannah Chaddha of ‘Big Brother 23’ | Cliff Lipson/CBS via Getty Images

‘Big Brother’: Cody Nickson Defends The Cookout, Says Calling It Racist Is an ‘Absurd Stretch’

The Cookout would have the numbers to save Hannah next week if they wanted to, but if the main target is supposed to be Hannah, that would expose the alliance. Hannah doesn’t seem very aware that her game is in danger, but she’s also unsure of Sarah Beth.

She called Sarah Beth a “wildcard” in a conversation with Derek X. But Hannah doesn’t seem to want to win HOH next week because she wants to avoid risking her game.

A lot of people in the other teams have their eyes on Team Kings because they will be the only team that still has all four members after Brent Champagne leaves. The tricky thing is there is the Royal Flush alliance between Team Queens, Team Kings, and Derek X, so some people are hoping the Jokers will win to take that big shot. 

There is still a lot of talk happing and some time left before the next HOH competition. But this is the first real possible threat to The Cookout.