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There are unique jobs like being a Martha or being a commander. The Handmaidā€™s Tale includes a few phrases only used in Gilead, mostly inspired by religion. Hereā€™s what we know about some words and sayings used in this Hulu original drama series.Ā Ā 

Elisabeth Moss as June, scrubbing a floor looking off camera
Elisabeth Moss as June | Elly Dassas/Hulu

ā€˜Blessed be the fruitā€™

When birth rates across the globe drastically dropped, some people turned to the bible for answers. As a result, the Republic of Gilead was formed. This society, which is located in the present-day United States, treated women as properties of the state.Ā 

Some fertile women were assigned as ā€œhandmaidsā€ to high-ranking officials in an effort to increase the number of children and reward these ā€œcommandersā€ for their service. With this new country came plenty of new phrases used by the citizens.

One of the most common phrases was ā€œblessed be the fruit,ā€ a greeting used by handmaids that was said to encourage fertility. The proper response to this phrase would be ā€œMay the Lord open.ā€

ā€™Under His Eyeā€™

Another biblical reference, this phrase is used to say hello or goodbye by citizens in the Republic of Gilead. Additionally, some interpret this phrase to mean that the ā€œeyesā€ (or the secret police of Gilead) are always watching.Ā 

An alternative greeting would be to say ā€œblessed eveningā€ or ā€œblessed day,ā€ instead of phrases used in the United States ā€” ā€œgood morningā€ or ā€œgood night.ā€

ā€˜Weā€™ve been sent good weatherā€™

The Handmaids of these series are allowed very few freedoms. They are, however, allowed to travel to stores like All Flesh and Milk and Honey. They are also allowed to speak select phrases to each other. One of those is, ā€œWeā€™ve been sent good weather.ā€


A Second ā€˜Haunting of Hill Houseā€™ Star Appeared on Huluā€™s ā€˜The Handmaidā€™s Taleā€™

There are other words used in ā€˜The Handmaidā€™s Tale,ā€™ including ā€˜Particicutionā€™

The ā€œeyes,ā€ or secret police of this country, are always watching. Even some of the Handmaids are known to turn in traitors to Gilead. As a result, there are a few forms of punishment administered.Ā 

That includes ā€œparticicution,ā€ which is when the Handmaids, dressed in their red cloaks, have free reign to do whatever they want to a rebel. It typically ends in death by beating. There is also ā€œthe wall,ā€ where Gilead hung traitors as an example to others.Ā 

Even the words used to describe the careers in Gilead are inspired by religion. The ā€œMarthasā€ are household servants assigned to people of power. The name comes from one of Jesusā€™ friends who, according to Refinery29, ā€œis a pragmatic and focused on domestic concerns.ā€

The Rachel and Leah Center, also known as the Red Center, is where the Handmaids are trained for their new postings. This location was named after the biblical story of Rachel and Leah.Ā 

Seasons 1-3 of The Handmaidā€™s Tale are available for streaming on Hulu, as are select episodes of season 4.Ā