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Brad Pitt has played several action roles throughout his career, including the lead in the action/horror zombie flick World War Z. However, his heroics didn’t stop with his character.

Brad Pitt attends the "World War Z" premiere in New York City.
Brad Pitt attends the World War Z premiere in New York City. | LAN

Brad Pitt investigates a zombie pandemic in ‘World War Z’

World War Z is a 2013 film about a zombie pandemic that threatens to destroy humanity. Pitt stars as Gerry Lane, a former United Nations field agent. On the run from the zombies, Lane and his family end up on a U.S. Navy ship.

There he is convinced to help a virologist investigate the source of the zombie outbreak. The virologist believes it is a virus but must find the origin to create a vaccine. Lane and others follow leads about zombie attacks while fending off attacks themselves. 

Pitt rescued a woman during the ‘World War Z’ shoot

According to The Scottish Sun (via Entertainment Weekly), filming for World War Z was taking place in George Square in Glasgow, Scotland, with more than 700 extras. The extras were part of a scene where there was “a mad rush to escape a zombie attack.” 

“A woman fell on the ground, in danger of being trampled,” Entertainment Weekly reports. “Pitt, who plays the film’s protagonist, apparently lifted her back to her feet.”

A source told The Scottish Sun that the woman hurt her knee but was otherwise OK and grateful to Pitt for helping her. Unfortunately, Pitt and the woman reportedly didn’t get a chance to speak, as they were in the middle of filming.

Extras played a key role in the film


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The massive zombie scenes in the film simply wouldn’t have worked without the participation of hundreds of extras. And overall their filming seemed to go smoothly.

“It was just an incredible experience,” extra Elaine Campbell told the BBC. “It was just crazy to be running up and down Cochrane Street with Brad Pitt beside you.”

Others said they enjoyed the camaraderie on set with their fellow extras.

“They treated you really well, so it was just exciting to be part of something so big, especially in Glasgow,” another extra, David Lan, said.

According to the BBC report, Pitt said the real stars of World War Z were the extras. As such, Glasgow got two advanced screenings of the films during which all of the extras had the opportunity to try to spot themselves on camera.