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Members of the royal family don’t need to do any household chores or prepare meals for themselves, however, some like to do their own cooking but is Queen Elizabeth II one of them?

Fans have been curious about whether the royal family matriarch, who has been on the throne for more than 60 years, ever whips up something for herself quickly rather than order and wait for the Buckingham Palace kitchen staff to assemble and do it for her. Read on to find out the answer to that, plus which royal is a good cook and loves to grill for the whole family.

Queen Elizabeth II
Queen Elizabeth II | JEREMY SELWYN/AFP via Getty Images

Does the queen cook?

The queen has a number of people on staff who cook for her and there aren’t any reports that she has ever had to make her meals herself. But she does prepare her own breakfast.

For the most important meal of the day, the monarch eats cereal and fetches it herself.

“Breakfast was very simple for Her Majesty. Some Kellogg’s cereal from a plastic container, which she’d serve herself,” Buckingham Palace’s former chef, Darren McGrady, recalled to Marie Claire.

The royal family member who is a ‘foodie’ and loves grilling

Prince Philip
Prince Philip, Duke of Edinburgh | Anwar Hussein/Getty Images

While the queen doesn’t bake or fry up things in the kitchen, some royals do prefer to cook for themselves from time to time including Catherine the Duchess of Cambridge, and Prince Philip. In fact, McGrady described the queen’s husband as a “real foodie.”

Hello! Magazine noted that Philip always enjoyed cooking omelets for himself and his wife over the years on a glass-topped electric frying pan that he traveled with.

“Breakfast and supper snacks are Philip’s specialties,” said former royal footman Charles Oliver, adding that the prince liked to make “quick, light supper snacks which he and the queen often enjoy after they have dismissed the servants for the night.”

The Duke of Edinburgh is also passionate about grilling and was the one who handled that for his family during their summer vacations at Balmoral Castle.

The popular food no one has ever seen Queen Elizabeth eat

Queen Elizabeth II
Queen Elizabeth II | POOL/ Tim Graham Picture Library/Getty Images

Queen Elizabeth II Has a Favorite Dessert Fit For a Royal That You Can Make at Home

Queen Elizabeth has traveled all over the world and tried plenty of different cuisines, but there is one food served in many countries that she reportedly has never eaten and that is pizza. Yep, that’s right the popular food we’ve all had is one no one has ever seen the monarch eat.

This topic came up when a young royal fan asked the Duchess of Cambridge if her grandmother-in-law liked pizza. Kate had to think about it for a moment before telling the youngster that she wasn’t sure because she never saw her eat it.

After the duchess’ admission, the queen’s former chef weighed in and revealed that he never made his boss pizza in all the years he cooked for her.

“I cooked for the queen for 11 years and never served her pizza once,” McGrady said. “The queen didn’t even have it on the menu when we were in Palermo, Sicily on HMY Britannia. The chefs had to go ashore after royal dinner to try it.”