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Jim and Bobye Holt made headlines when Josh Duggar’s trial began. Now, the Duggar family friends are back in the spotlight following Josh Duggar’s sentencing. Bobye Holt posted a statement on her Instagram following Josh receiving his sentence. According to the statement, she agrees with the longer sentence, as five years would not have been enough.

Why did Josh Duggar only get 12 years in prison?

Josh Duggar booking photo from April 2021 arrest. Josh Duggar's trial began in November 2021. Josh Duggar's sentencing took place on May 25, 2022.
Josh Duggar | Washington County Sheriff’s Office via Getty Images

Josh Duggar’s sentence for possessing child sexual abuse material was given on May 25, 2022. He was found guilty of the crime back in December 2021, and he potentially faced 20 years in prison for the crime. NPR notes he was given about 12.5 years in prison, or 151 months. The defense pushed for a five-year sentence, but Judge Timothy L. Brooks denied the request.

If Josh could’ve received 20 years in prison, why did he only receive 12? He was originally convicted for two counts — both receiving and possessing child sexual abuse material — which put the sentence at 20 years. But Judge Brooks noted receiving child sexual abuse material included the possession offense under federal law. This meant that Josh only faced one count against him, reducing the max sentence.

Duggar family friends Bobye and Jim Holt respond to Josh Duggar’s sentencing

Josh Duggar’s sentence caused Duggar family friends Jim and Bobye Holt to post a statement on Instagram. Within the statement, Bobye, who wrote the post, explained how she’s glad Josh didn’t receive a lighter five-year sentence.

“(Sentencing only five years would have been a spit in the face to the victims,” she wrote. “Which is what the defense suggested.)”

She then went on to describe his various cheating scandals that affected his wife, Anna Duggar. “Because he has been trusted, privileged, coddled, protected, and favored his whole life, he’s only gotten worse,” Bobye continued. “He’s really just been masquerading as someone else. No wonder he had letters of support. Has it not occurred to them he’s fooling them? But he HAS hoodwinked them!”

“I truly didn’t think even 20 years was enough when 19 hasn’t been,” she continued. “No telling what he would do next had he only gotten 5 years! BUT I truly feel Judge Brooks was a very fair and considerate Judge and had already considered all I listed above except the fact that some of his family has only enabled him.”

Amy Duggar supports Bobye and Jim Holt’s statement


Anna Duggar Describes ‘First Few Years of Marriage’ With Josh Duggar in New Court Documents

Amy Duggar continues to speak out against the Duggar family supporting Josh Duggar. Prior to Josh Duggar’s sentencing, she took to social media to speak out against her cousin. She’s in full support of him going to prison and of Anna Duggar divorcing him.

“PREACH!!!” Amy commented on Bobye Holt’s Instagram post.

Jim Bob and Michelle Duggar have yet to comment on the sentencing. But Michelle wrote a letter to the judge prior to sentencing asking for as light of a sentence as possible. Jason Duggar and Jill Duggar have since made public statements about Josh — and they agree with the judge’s sentence.

How to get help: If you or someone you know has been sexually abused, text HOME to the Crisis Text Line at 741741 for free and confidential support.

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