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Whether you love them or hate them, the Duggars have graced the small screen for years. And now that many of Jim Bob and Michelle’s older kids have married, had children, and left the big house for good, they aren’t shy about sharing their lives on Instagram.

Jinger Duggar continues to be one of the most interesting of the family. She moved to Los Angeles with her husband, Jeremy Vuolo, and she appears to be loving her new life far away from her home state of Arkansas. Not only that, but she’s now trying to embrace the life of being an Instagram influencer, too — but we’re not so sure it’s going well. A recent product endorsement on her Instagram Story is giving some of her followers pause.

Jinger Duggar endorsed an app to help with financial goals

Jinger Duggar's Instagram Story promoting an app
Jinger Duggar’s Instagram Story promoting an app | Jinger Vuolo via Instagram Story

We know the Duggars make a healthy income from Counting On, but those who have their own Instagrams also make extra income endorsing products. From facial cleansing brushes to phone apps, Jessa, Jana, and Jill have all gone out of their way to recommend products to their followers. And Jinger took to her Instagram Story on Feb. 4, 2020, to promote a phone app that helps with personal finance.

“So, with the New Year, I know a lot of you are making resolutions and setting goals, and I’m doing the same,” Jinger tells her camera. “I want to be a good steward of my time, energy, and money, which is why I’m really grateful for Vimvest.”

Jinger then goes on to explain that Vimvest is an app to “help you set up and reach your financial goals.” She offers a code for her followers to use that helps them achieve $5-$10 of savings right from the start.

Her delivery and makeup appear off

Jinger might mean well, but there are quite a few quirks regarding her latest ad. When she starts speaking to the camera, she mentions how New Year’s resolutions may play a part in achieving financial goals. And she mentions it again in the middle of her endorsement, though it seems quite out of place.

“Starting the New Year can be full of resolutions, but they get tough to keep, but with Vimvest, they’ll help you achieve those financial goals,” Jinger says after already mentioning New Year’s goals and Vimvest’s purpose earlier in her Instagram Story. She then clearly cuts the video and asks her followers to “swipe” to get the deal.

Aside from this, Jinger’s body language is also off. Her eyes don’t stay focused on the camera, and it seems as if she’s trying to remember what she should be saying next. Not only that, but it looks like one of her eyes has more makeup on it than the other, which is also distracting.

Jinger’s link from her Instagram Story was embarrassingly wrong when first posted

The link in Jinger’s Instagram Story now correctly opens Vimvest. But this allegedly wasn’t the case when she first posted. Reddit users noted that when Jinger made the ad, she accidentally linked out to instructions from the company for social media influencers.

A Reddit user notes this is what they saw when first opening the link:

“TALKING POINTS: All talking points are meant to be flexible to best fit why you would use the app and recommend it. Please briefly explain what the app is, most importantly how you’ve used it/plan to use it and how its helpful, and close with stressing the CTA Vimvest is a goal-focused, free financial app to help make saving, investing, and giving to your favorite charity or cause easy.”

Another Reddit user noted, “In other words,’I’ll sponsor anything to get paid.’”

Other Reddit users doubted Jinger has any idea about finances considering the way she grew up, so they didn’t understand why this is the app she’d promote.

Despite Jinger’s social media blunders, we know she’ll continue on. We’re just hoping her next ads make more sense than this one.

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