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After months of battling cancer, King Charles is ready to return to the public spotlight full-time. He’s looking to increase his royal engagements, and he’s reportedly like a “caged lion,” according to a royal commentator. However, his wife, Camilla, Queen Consort, is reportedly “holding him back.” What is her reason for doing so?

King Charles is ready to return to public life, but is Camilla holding him back?

Alongside Princess Anne and the late Queen Elizabeth, King Charles was a royal always on the move. His diary was filled with engagements that kept him in the public eye.

However, since being diagnosed with cancer in February 2024, the monarch has taken a step back from royal duties as he is treated for the disease. Most recently, he has begun to step back into the public spotlight.

In the past couple of weeks, Charles has attended a Buckingham Palace garden party, the handing over of military titles to Prince William, and a royal investiture. Does this mean that the king is feeling better?

GB News spoke to royal commentator Jennie Bond, who claimed Camilla, Queen Consort, is trying to “hold back the king” after he has drastically “ramped up” his royal duties. “He wants to get out there; he enjoys it. I mean, he thoroughly seemed to enjoy the investiture,” Bond continued.

However, as Charles is reportedly still being treated for cancer, Camilla and the royal staff are likely working together to allow the king to continue fulfilling his duties, but with modifications. What changes are they making behind the scenes to keep these scheduled appointments and keep Charles happy?

What types of behind-the-scenes changes ensure King Charles’ safety?

Royal correspondent Jennie Bond discussed the palace’s steps to ensure Charles could safely handle royal duties. However, while it appears Charles is taking on many forward-facing engagements, he is not undertaking as many outside events as it seems.

Bond explained, “They said he’d be carrying out two or three weekly engagements. It’s at least that now.”

She continued, “Most of them don’t last too long, so they are probably not too tiring. There he was yesterday with [William] at the ceremony, the handing over, and the garden party, as you say.”

“So yes, he’s being seen in public as much as possible, but there are slight amendments today. There were about 50 people at the investiture. Normally, there’d be 60 or 70.”

Bond concluded, “Perhaps it was sort of 10, 15 minutes, maybe half an hour shorter than usual. So the doctors, I think, are monitoring it closely and whispering in his ear so he doesn’t get too exhausted.”

King Charles discussed the lingering side effects of cancer treatment

Prince Charles photo taken on April 30, 2024 in London, England.
Prince Charles photo taken on April 30, 2024 in London, England | Mark Cuthbert/UK Press via Getty Images

King Charles’ Heartbreak When He Found out He Had Cancer: ‘Always Bit of a Shock, Isn’t It, When They Tell You?’

During the colonel-in-chief handover ceremony on May 13, where he was joined by his son Prince William, King Charles discussed the side effects of his cancer treatment. The Sun reports the king spoke with a veteran about their shared experience with chemotherapy during a visit to the Army Flying Museum.

During a conversation with British Army veteran Aaron Mapplebeck, King Charles mentioned experiencing a “loss of taste” during his cancer treatment. Mapplebeck shared the same side effects.

In late April, Charles first discussed his experiences with the disease after visiting the University College Hospital Macmillan Cancer Center in London. This event was his first scheduled public appearance since February after revealing he was diagnosed with cancer.

When talking with a patient, Charles revealed he was taken aback when he found out he had the disease. He said, “It’s always a bit of a shock, isn’t it when they tell you?”

Charles revealed other details about his health to patients during his visit. He told one woman who was receiving chemotherapy, “I’ve got to have my treatment this afternoon as well.” He said a second patient, “I’m alright thank you very much, not too bad.”

King Charles continues his treatment for an undisclosed type of cancer.