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TLC fans can’t wait to see what happens in the future with Little People, Big World. The show’s last season focused heavily on the conflict within the Roloff family, and fans were left with many unknowns by the end. Thankfully, it looks like TLC renewed the series, as Matt Roloff said camera crews filmed on Roloff Farms.

Matt Roloff said he’s filming for the new season of ‘Little People, Big World’ on Roloff Farms

Amy Roloff and Matt Roloff from 'Little People, Big World' speaking to an interviewer
Amy Roloff and Matt Roloff | Peter Kramer/NBC/NBC NewsWire

Fans looking forward to hearing more about Roloff Farms and the Roloff family can look forward to another season of Little People, Big World. TLC hasn’t officially renewed the series, but Matt Roloff told fans on Instagram that camera crews arrived at Roloff Farms to take footage.

“Diving head first into pumpkin season starting this Saturday,” he posted to Instagram on Sept. 28, 2022. “If you’ve never been to @rolofffarms, then you’ve never been. …. Huh?? Wait? What? … Anyway … come out this Saturday on opening day and get yourself on #lpbw .. don’t forget to sign the release form at the entry gates. We’ll be filming away. See you soon.”

With camera crews at pumpkin season, the new season will likely start with more talk of Roloff Farms. Matt and Zach Roloff couldn’t come to an agreement regarding a Roloff Farms sale, leaving them in conflict. Zach and Tori Roloff abandoned all hope of owning any of the farm property and moved out of state. It doesn’t look like the couple attended pumpkin season’s first weekend.

Tori Roloff and Amy Roloff also began filming

While Matt Roloff started filming for the new season of Little People, Big World, so did Tori Roloff and Amy Roloff. A fan posted photos to Reddit that show Tori, Amy, and Tori’s mother together in a tea room. Lilah, Zach and Tori’s daughter, was also there. Another post shows even more photos from the tea room event.

Many fans are excited to see Tori spend more time with Amy in the new season. “They all look Amish and not dressed for high tea, but glad Amy was included in this!” a fan wrote on Reddit. “It broke my heart last season when they chose to spend the holidays on their own! Amy looked crushed.”

With these photos in mind, it’s clear fans will see plenty of Zach and Tori in the new season despite their move. In fact, viewers can anticipate hearing more about their new location and how they feel after getting some distance from Matt Roloff.

Has Roloff Farms been sold yet? Matt Roloff put several acres up for sale last season


‘Little People, Big World’: Matt Roloff’s Sons Allegedly Upset Over Matt Hiring New Roloff Farms Workers

Last season of Little People, Big World, Matt Roloff announced that he planned to sell several acres of Roloff Farms property. Amy Roloff hoped to keep the entire farm in the family. None of the Roloff kids bought any of the property, so Matt decided to sell some of it.

So, has Roloff Farms sold? As of October 2022, it hasn’t. Matt posted a video with Amy’s husband, Chris Marek with the announcement.

“Chris, did we sell the big house side of the farm?” Matt asked Chris in the Instagram video.

“No,” Chris said.

“Aw, you’re giving away all of my secrets!” Matt laughed. “No, I want everybody to know. We listened to everybody. We acquiesced.”

It’s unclear if Matt plans on taking the farm off the market.

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