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Love Island shows islanders making hard choices. Charlie Lynch decided to pick Alana Paolucci over Cashay Proudfoot. He revealed the biggest difference between them in the newest episode.

[Spoiler alert: Spoilers for the Love Island USA Season 3 episode on Aug. 12!]

Charlie dumped Cash for Alana on ‘Love Island’

Charlie started his time on the show being in a love triangle. He met Cash in Casa Amor and she decided to take him back to the villa. But she was already previously coupled with Melvin “Cinco” Holland Jr. and was still interested in him.

Cinco was eventually voted off the island. But the drama from the love triangle already wore on Charlie and Cash’s relationship. Alana was one of the new women introduced and she started making a connection with Charlie.

Charlie decided to pick Alana over Cash. No one else picked Cash so she was voted off the show. This was somewhat shocking to fans. Charlie never explained what he was feeling for Alana, but the newest episode showed him explaining what he liked about her.

Charlie reveals the difference between Cash and Alana is taking control 

Charlie Lynch of 'Love Island' is shirtless and smiling rubbing his hands together.
Charlie Lynch of ‘Love Island’ | Sara Mally/CBS via Getty Images

The Aug. 12 episode showed the islanders playing a game where the couples got to ask each other questions. The rest of the cast then could vote whether the person’s answer was true or not.

Alana asked Charlie, ”What do you think I offer in a couple that Cash didn’t?” He answered, “What stood out to me was when you kinda put me in my place when we had that conversation on the balcony. For a woman to be able to take control, to me, that’s kinda sexy.” 

Everyone but Trina Njoroge and Olivia Kaiser said it was true. Andre Luis Brunelli said he thought it was true because Charlie told him the same thing. “I mean Cash always speaks the truth,” Trina said. “She always put him in his place,” Olivia said.

Does Charlie and Alana have a chance at the ‘Love Island’ $100,000 prize?


‘Love Island’: Alana Says Charlie Should’ve Picked Cash

The episode ended with one last couple being sent home. This time, the islanders had to vote for which couple was the least compatible.

Charlie and Alana, Trina and Andre, and Jeremy Hershberg and Bailey Marshall were most at risk given they’re all newer couples. In the end, it was Trina and Andre who were voted off the show.

This means fans will vote between Charlie and Alana, Jeremy and Bailey, Olivia and Korey Gandy, and Will Moncada and Kyra Lizama. It’s hard to say which couple is the frontrunner at this point. Will and Kyra have been coupled up the longest, but Will’s lack of commitment has soured many people. Olivia and Korey have been there since the beginning but only recently revealed they liked each other. The other couples are very new, so it looks like it’s anyone’s game.