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Nine Perfect Strangers premieres on Hulu this August, just in time for fans of The White Lotus to pick up another series about a private resort and messy cast of characters. This group isn’t headed on a luxurious vacation, however. Nine Perfect Strangers will see nine troubled people heading to a 10-day retreat at a resort that promises to heal them. Each of the show’s characters is plagued by some form of grief, which a stay at Tranquillum House promises to solve. Of course, there’s more going on there than meets the eye.

Nicole Kidman headlines the cast as Tranquillum House leader Masha

Nicole Kidman in Nine Perfect Strangers on Hulu. Her long blonde hair is down and she's wearing a plain white dress.
Nicole Kidman in Hulu’s ‘Nine Perfect Strangers’ | Vince Valitutti/Hulu

The Undoing star Nicole Kidman headlines the cast of Nine Perfect Strangers in the role of Masha, the woman who lords over Tranquillum House. The series alludes to the fact that Kidman’s character has a troublesome past, one that led her to retreat to the woods. She credits her own healing journey for her desire to help others. While Masha’s stated intentions seem admirable, however, the trailer for the Hulu series hints at something disconcerting beneath them.

Melissa McCarthy is the other huge name associated with ‘Nine Perfect Strangers’

Melissa McCarthy is the other huge name attached to Nine Perfect Strangers, taking on the role of Frances Welty, a romance journalist whose career is spiraling downward. McCarthy’s character is one of the nine titular strangers headed to Tranquillum House for some peace. Although the role takes on a more serious tone than some of her other work, the actor brings her usual lightheartedness to this series.

Tiffany Boone and ‘The Good Place’ alum Manny Jacinto play Masha’s confidantes

Manny Jacinto, Tiffany Boone, and Nicole Kidman in the cast of Hulu's 'Nine Perfect Strangers.' Jacinto's character wears all white and stands back while Boone's character, in grey, stares at Kidman. Kidman has her hand resting on Boone's shoulder, and she's turned away from the camera.
Manny Jacinto, Tiffany Boone, and Nicole Kidman in ‘Nine Perfect Strangers’ | Vince Valitutti/Hulu

In addition to the people visiting Tranquillum House, Nine Perfect Strangers features several characters who work at the resort. The two most prominent cast members on this front are Tiffany Boone and Manny Jacinto.

Boone plays Delilah, one of Masha’s closest confidantes — and one of the only people at Tranquillum House willing to challenge her. Meanwhile, Jacinto takes on a more serious role after his time on The Good Place. He plays Yao, Masha’s right-hand man who helps her implement her plans.

Zoe Terakes also portrays one of the workers at Masha’s resort, albeit in a less prevalent role than Boone and Jacinto.

Cast members Bobby Cannavale and Luke Evans play two reluctant visitors

Bobby Cannavale and Luke Evans are both in the cast of Nine Perfect Strangers, and their characters will make you wonder why they’re even at Tranquillum House. Both seem cynical about Masha’s ability to heal them in the trailer. Evans’ character, Lars, even tells her so. “Wellness retreats? Such utter crap,” he exclaims — yet he’s at one nonetheless.

Cannavale’s character, Tony Hogburn, is a former football player who seems just as reluctant to embrace Masha’s healing. Although he isn’t as outright about it as Lars, he does point out that Masha lured nine people desperate enough to do whatever she tells them to her resort. Could he be onto something there?

Michael Shannon, Asher Keddie, and Grace Van Patten take a family trip to Tranquillum House

Michael Shannon, Asher Keddie, and Grace Van Patten join the cast of Nine Perfect Strangers as the Marconi family. The trio plays Napoleon, Heather, and Zoe, respectively. The three of them seem to have suffered some type of trauma before visiting Tranquillum House. Although the trailer doesn’t immediately reveal what it is, the trailer shows all three characters getting highly emotional. Fortunately, the footage also sees them growing closer together. Perhaps Masha’s healing will be precisely what the Marconi family needs.

Regina Hall, Melvin Gregg, and Samara Weaving round out the main cast of ‘Nine Perfect Strangers’

Carmel (Regina Hall), Ben (Melvin Gregg), and Jessica (Samara Weaving) from the cast of Hulu's 'Nine Perfect Strangers.' They're standing next to one another and looking confused at someone off-screen.
Regina Hall, Melvin Gregg, and Samara Weaving in ‘Nine Perfect Strangers’ | Vince Valitutti/Hulu

Hulu’s ‘Nine Perfect Strangers’: Release Date, Cast, Trailer, and How to Watch the Series

Rounding out the cast of Nine Perfect Strangers are Regina Hall, Melvin Gregg, and Samara Weaving. Although the trailer doesn’t focus as heavily on their three characters, fans can assume they’re struggling with their own demons — or else they wouldn’t be headed to Tranquillum House in the first place.

Hall plays Carmel, who appears to be the most committed to her spiritual journey at Tranquillum House. Meanwhile, Gregg and Weaving portray married couple Ben and Jessica, both of whom attend the retreat to work on their relationship. Whether they’ll succeed depends on how things unravel at the resort — though that’s true of every character.

Those interested in seeing how the characters’ healing journeys play out will want to tune in when the series arrives. Nine Perfect Strangers premieres on Hulu on Wednesday, Aug. 18.