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TLC fans are more excited than ever that the Busbys are back with a new season of OutDaughtered. When the show first started, Adam and Danielle Busby were just sharing their experience raising their all-female quintuplet babies and older daughter, Blayke, with the world. But now that the quints are 4-years-old, we’re seeing how each daughter is growing up with her own unique personality — and we’re also getting a glimpse into their schooling.

It was recently revealed that Riley Busby would be entering kindergarten a year before the other quints. And a clip from the show reveals just how much she’s thriving in her new class. Here’s what her teacher said.

Riley Busby is a grade above the other quintuplets

It’s easy to group the quintuplets together when they’re young, but now that they’re getting a bit older, Adam and Danielle had to make some tough decisions regarding their schooling. All of the quints’ intelligence levels were evaluated in preschool — and Riley’s numbers were off the charts. For that reason, it was recommended that she move up to kindergarten a year ahead of her four sisters.

Since originally posting the news to Instagram that Riley would be moving one step ahead, we’ve also seen even more updates from Adam and Danielle about how the little girl is doing. “First day of kindergarten in the books and she CRUSHED it! So incredibly proud of this little kid. When she wants something, there is nothing going to stand in her way and she is right at home forging her own path. My MIGHTY pint sized princess is going to be something great one day,” Adam captioned this post of Riley.

Riley’s kindergarten teacher said the child is doing quite well

Riley’s quite brave for venturing into unknown territory by herself. This TLC clip shows her amongst the “big kids” without her four sisters with her — and she remarks on what it’s like. “It was scary to go to a new class,” Riley says in the clip. “And my sisters aren’t in the class.”

“I know she’s a little bit younger than the rest of them but she’s doing really great, she’s learning,” the teacher told the preschool owner, Randi. And Randi went on to ask Riley a few questions about what the child was learning about. “She really is doing well,” Randi told the teacher after interacting with Riley — and the teacher agreed.

“Everyone was really nice to me,” Riley continued. “I feel like I’m older, like I’m a big kid like Blayke now.”

More decisions are to come with Riley’s schooling

There’s no doubt Riley’s thriving in her current class, as she seems to be enjoying the challenge of kindergarten. But just because Adam and Danielle have made their decision regarding Riley’s schooling this year doesn’t mean they know what’s to come in the future.

In this video from Adam, he noted, “She’s been just blowing our minds with how smart she is, and so we just keep testing her and pushing her ahead, and the director of the school says she’s ready for kindergarten, so we’re not gonna hold her back.” He then added, “It’s just going to leave us with a big decision to make at the end of this year,” as they need to decide if they’ll make Riley repeat kindergarten next year with her sisters or if they’ll let her move forward. Adam added, “That’ll be a big decision.”

While Riley’s future is certainly looming over Adam and Danielle’s heads, they’ll make whatever decision they think is best for the child as the year progresses. And we can’t wait to see more of all the quints as this season of OutDaughtered continues!

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