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There is no denying that fans who watched Netflix‘s Physical 100 got a bump in enthusiasm to get into the gym. Many felt they had what it takes to compete in the same challenges. The series had it all from Crossfit athletes, bodybuilders, and professional fighters. The Physical 100 finale crowned Yoo Jin-yong the winner, and as a former national athlete and Crossfit gym owner, he detailed his training for the series.

Yoo Jin-yong and his plaster bust on 'Physical 100.'
Yoo Jin-yong and his plaster bust on ‘Physical 100’ | via Netflix

Woo Jin-yong was a snowboarding cross athlete before diving into Crossfit

Many of the contestants of Physical 100 joined the series to pursue one ambition. The five finalists of Physical 100 explained they wanted to bring awareness to their sports and help future athletes gain recognition. Woo Jin-yong reveals his story as a former national athlete in a sport that is not well-recognized.

While on a trip to Canada after his military service, Jin-yong fell in love with snowboarding. In an interview with W Korea, he explained that he would ride for 10 hours. As he continued to train, he was struck with the ambition to go to the Olympics. He contacted the Korea Ski Association to express his desire to compete as a national athlete. Jin-yong was close to reaching the Pyeongchang Olympics until the country decided to put its focus on more promising sports.

Now, Jin-yong is a Crossfitter and runs his own gym. “CrossFit and snowboard cross are similar, right from the name. There are so many similarities. Almost all athletic abilities that humans can use must be excellent, and above all, mental is important,” he explained to W Korea. In a video interview with W Korea, he got the casting call to join Physical 100 as he was ready to open a second branch of his gym.

But as a former athlete and Crossfitter, did Jin-yong have what it takes to compete against other athletes? With some time before having to film the Korean unscripted competition series, Jing-yong got to work training his body.

Jin-yong’s Crossfit training routine is brutal for any ‘Physical 100’ fan

In an interview with Netflix Tudum, Jin-yong reveals he had no idea what physical challenge he would face on the series. He explained to prepare for the series, ” I felt it would be advantageous to be able to be in peak physical condition where I can control my body well.”

Jin-yong’s training routine for Physical 100 is a high-intensity Crossfit workout that, for many, seems like a hellish nightmare. It is certainly not easy for beginners. “I followed CrossFit’s “Murph” WOD (workout of the day): Run 1 mile wearing a 20-pound weight vest, do 100 pull-ups, 200 push-ups, and 300 squats, then run another mile. I think following this circuit was what best prepared me for the challenges,” explained Jin-yong.

The pull-ups alone take long-term training for even the most casual gym-goers. After supposedly winning the competition series, Jin-yong explains his Crossfit training was a great advantage. “The goal of CrossFit is to optimize all aspects of physical competence. We train daily through various exercises at different levels of intensity so that we’re in peak shape and are able to exhibit strong performances in any situation,” he said.

When it comes to his career as a snowboarder, he explained that his experience keeping a cool head allowed him to remain focused during Physical 100.

A few other ‘Physical 100’ contestants have also tried Crossfit

Physical 100 included a few other Crossfit athletes like Caro. But Crossfit is not for everyone and is a drastically different training routine than what national athletes like Yun Sung-bin go through. Since the series, many of the cast have met up to work out together and try each other’s sports.

Related ‘Physical 100’: It Took Kim Min-cheol a Month to Regain Feeling in His Hands After the First Challenge

‘Physical 100’: It Took Kim Min-cheol a Month to Regain Feeling in His Hands After the First Challenge

Eleven months ago, Shim Ee-ddeum had Caro as a guest star on her YouTube channel to teach her some Crossfit exercises. By the end of the WOD workout, Ee-ddeum was ready to kill Caro and chased him around the gym. Sung-bin also does Crossfit on occasion. Despite his muscular body and time in the gym, Crossfit was still a challenge for him.

On his Youtube channel, he posted a video titled “Crossfit? I don’t want to do it.” By the end of the WOD workout, he commented, “Crossfit is not mine. I know, but I don’t know why I’m doing it.” Even after a brutal workout, he still went to the gym afterward.