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Prince Archie and Princess Lilibet are British royals but an author predicts their lives won’t be all smooth sailing. When the 5 and 2-year-old grow up, “massive difficulties” will come into play for Prince Harry and Meghan Markle’s children.

Archie and Lilibet’s ‘half-royals’ life in the U.S. is likely to be challenging

Archie and Lilibet live in Montecito, California, with the Duke and Duchess of Sussex in a sprawling oceanside mansion. (The Duke and Duchess of Sussex have a combined net worth in the millions, thanks in part to lucrative partnerships.)It has a garden, chicken coop, pool, playground, and more and can be glimpsed periodically in Harry & Meghan.

But it isn’t until they’re older that author and commentator Tom Quinn sees bumps in the road for the Sussex kids. “The time bomb waiting to go off is Archie and Lillibet as half-Royals in America,” he told the Mirror.

“There may be some interest in them,” Quinn said. “But it will wear thin quickly.” Why? Because America “admires rags-to-riches energy and determination and dislikes inherited privilege unless it is combined with charitable or other work.”

Harry and Meghan are big on giving back, having established the Archewell Foundation. Additionally, they work closely with charities. It’s a big if as Archie and Lilibet are just kids, but they may someday emulate their parents by making charity work part of their lives.

The challenge, Quinn explained, will be Archie and Lili finding a place as “half” British royals. 

“The advantage of being a half-royal in the States will be completely outweighed by the massive difficulties Archie and Lillibet will have [in] finding a role as adults,” he said. “They will be like star child actors who find themselves forgotten as adults.”

Harry and Meghan have eliminated any future in the U.K. for Lilibet and Archie as adults

As for a future on the other side of the Atlantic Ocean for Archie and Lilibet, the commentator claimed any potential of that went away when Harry and Meghan left royal life in 2020.

At the time, Archie was an infant—he was born on May 6, 2019. Meanwhile, Lilibet has never lived in the U.K., having been born in California in 2021.

“The future they could have had as real royals has been snatched away,” Quinn said. “Archie and Lillibet may just end up living on the wealth and fame of their parents and doing very little in the way of work.” 

Meghan worries Archie and Lilibet will ‘blame’ her for having no ‘real’ relationship with their royal relatives

Previously, Quinn discussed the possibility of Archie and Lilibet someday blaming Meghan for having no relationship with their royal cousins.

The former Suits star, a friend of Harry and Meghan’s told Quinn, is “really worried that her children will have no real relationship of any kind with their cousins [Prince] George, [Princess] Charlotte, and [Prince] Louis.” 

Prince William and Kate Middleton live in Windsor, England, with their three kids. Their home, Adelaide Cottage, is not far from where Harry, Meghan, and baby Archie used to live at Frogmore Cottage. 

Meghan’s also concerned Archie and Lilibet will “feel as adults that they have been deprived of what might have been a fun and meaningful existence in the U.K. as working royals.”