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Everyone gawks over the royal family, but one royal family member seems to get more attention than anyone thought she would: Princess Charlotte. It seems like anything this little princess does is captivating to everyone — even the hobbies she picks up. But Charlotte has been practicing one hobby for years, and we can only imagine how adorable she must be while practicing it.

Princess Charlotte, whom a royal authors says is like Princess Anne, smiles and looks on
Princess Charlotte | Max Mumby/Indigo/Getty Images

Prince William and Kate Middleton try to get the kids involved in different activities

The royal couple tries their best to get their children involved in different activities. Despite being royals, the couple does want the kids to live a fairly normal life if at all possible. E! News reported that in 2018, Prince George’s Christmas list once only contained one item: A police car. This is surprising, considering the royal family is constantly showered with gifts. And princess Charlotte wears her brother’s hand-me-downs, the same way any younger sibling would. (Kate has been known to repeat outfits, so it makes sense that she feels no shame in putting Charlotte in her brother’s old clothes.) Will and Kate want to inflict a sense of modesty in their children’s attitudes as well as let them lead normal (ish) lives.

Prince George took up ballet first

Princess Diana, George’s late grandmother, was a lover of dancing. And when George got old enough to balance himself well, Will and Kate realized that he had a knack for dancing, too. While meeting with up-and-coming dancers at an event in October 2018, Will revealed that his then-five-year-old son had started taking ballet lessons.

Will was trying to encourage those at the event to continue their hobbies and passions regardless of what anyone says. This may explain why he shared that his young son had taken a liking to ballet. But that isn’t the only activity Will and Kate have tried to get their children involved in. While attending Wimbledon in 2018, Will noted that he’s also trying to get George to take up tennis and soccer (known as football to those in the United Kingdom). However, it didn’t sound like it was going too well.

Charlotte followed in her brother’s footsteps and started ballet classes in 2018

Anything Charlotte does is adorable, but the thought of her taking ballet lessons seems to be the cutest thing yet. A source close to the royal family revealed that Charlotte began taking lessons just like her brother. Will said earlier in the year that Charlotte loves to dance. However, he hadn’t noted at the time that she had begun any professional dance training. But in 2018, ET reported that Charlotte attended a rehearsal performance of “The Nutcracker” and loved it. It’s unclear if she began taking dance lessons as a result of that or not, fans were excited to see photos from her first recital. Kate is always a hands-on mother when it comes to getting photos of her children’s major milestones, including the adorable photos she takes of Charlotte yearly on her first day of school.

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