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The Challenge duo Darrell Taylor and Kiki Morris blindsided Ben Driebergen and Kaycee Clark into elimination. During the episode, the duo refused to explain why. However, Ben says they eventually told him. Additionally, he responded to Danny McCray’s commentary about him and called his former ally “two-faced” for behaving differently to his face.

Ben Driebergen says Darrell Taylor told him the truth about his blindside

In The Challenge: World Championship episode 5, the house came to a stalemate when one side wanted to throw in Jordan Wiseley and Kaz Crossley while the other tried to get Emily Seebohm and Yes Duffy into the Arena.

Therefore, the daily winners, Team Australia’s Kiki Morris and Darrell Taylor, could pick any team to face Wes Bergmann and Zara Zoffany in elimination.

The duo decided on Team USA’s Ben Driebergen and Kaycee Clark, blindsiding them because the Survivor winner attempted to convince Australia winner Troy Cullen that he was on the bottom of his team.

When Ben and Kaycee returned, they asked Darrell for answers, who lied and claimed he didn’t know who to choose. However, Ben claimed the four-time champ eventually told him the truth off-screen in an interview with MTV’s Official Challenge Podcast.

Ben called Danny McCray ‘two-faced’

Additionally, the Idaho-based marine claimed Darrell revealed that Team USA’s Sarah Lacina and Danny McCray “greenlit” the move behind Ben’s back.

The Survivor winner also acknowledged Danny’s confessionals about him, namely one where the former NFL star said he hoped Ben stayed in the sand. The Idaho native claimed the USA winner behaved differently in confessionals as he was “respectful” to Ben in person.

Therefore, he called Danny “two-faced” and admitted he wished the two would have talked as he wanted to work with the USA champ heading to World Championship.

According to Ben, he hung out with Danny and his wife Kiki in Houston, Texas, before the game and said he had a “great time.” As a result, he thought that relationship would transfer heading into the season. However, it didn’t, as Danny and Sarah were already concerned about Ben’s paranoia. Regardless, the stay-at-home dad claimed he has “no hard feelings” even though Danny apparently blocked him on social media. 

Team USA is divided by ‘The Challenge: World Championship’ episode 6

During Survivor 40, Ben and Sarah were closely aligned. When it dwindled to the top five, the reality TV star gave her his blessing to vote him out to boost her resume.

Therefore, it was assumed the two were still friends headed into USA. However, he began working with her rival Angela Rummans, which appeared to strain their relationship.


‘The Challenge’: Ben Driebergen Thinks Gameplay Change Created ‘Rift’ With Sarah Lacina

They entered World Championship as part of Team USA and seemed willing to work with each other from the beginning. But Danny and Sarah created a secret alliance with Team Australia’s Grant Crapp and Emily. Things came to a head during episode 5 when Ben agreed to vote for Jordan and Kaz.

He changed his mind and sided with the legends, annoying Danny, who ultimately forced a stalemate. It’s clear Team USA is divided as the trio is reaching across the aisle to work with other teams to get each other out of the game.

The Challenge: World Championship airs Wednesdays on Paramount+.