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Fans of MTV’s The Challenge love The Challenge: All Stars so far, as we’re watching the best of the best duke it out for their shot at $500,000. During a recent elimination, Kendal Sheppard and Mark Long teamed up to compete against Katie Cooley and Laterrian Wallace. And Kendal’s explaining what fans didn’t see from MTV’s footage.

[Spoiler alert: Spoilers ahead for The Challenge: All Stars Season 1 Episode 6.]

Kendal Sheppard and Mark Long won latest elimination on ‘The Challenge: All Stars’

Kendal and Mark were top competitors on MTV’s The Challenge, and they’re going strong in All Stars. They didn’t immediately work well together at first, though, and Mark even noted he wanted to make moves to remove Kendal from the game. But due to the circumstances in episode 6, Mark had to work with Kendal side-by-side in the elimination.

Kendal and Mark competed against Laterrian and Katie in “Pull Me Over.” Katie and Kendal stood across each other on stumps, as did Laterrian and Mark. A long rope was in front of each pair. Once host TJ Lavin gave the go ahead, each contestant tried to pull the slack out of the rope and play a tug-of-war style game in an attempt to get the other person off of the stump.

The first team to achieve two points won the game. To get a team point, both Kendal and Mark or Katie and Laterrian had to win their rounds. While the game looked grueling, it was ultimately Mark and Kendal who pulled out the big win.

Kendal explained what MTV didn’t show during elimination

The Challenge: All Stars elimination looked ultra-tough, and it was Katie and Laterrian who pulled off the first point. But it went downhill for them after that. According to the show, the next two rounds were a tough fight, but Mark and Kendal pulled out the win.

Kendal tweeted about the “Pull Me Over” elimination, and she said there were actually six rounds, and MTV didn’t show most of it. She tweeted, “6! We had 6 grueling rounds. I have proof!” She then added her personal notes from the challenge.

According to Kendal’s notes, it seems there are a handful of ties between the two teams, which is what pushed the game to six rounds. It’s also why the players seemed completely exhausted by the end. They were playing for a lot longer than the show made it seem.

“I don’t know how many rounds we had, but it went on forever,” Katie tweeted in response to Kendal. “I’m strong but don’t have anywhere near @KendalSheppard’s endurance. I had to get her quick or it wasn’t happening.”

When does ‘The Challenge: All Stars’ air?

MTV's 'The Challenge' and 'The Challenge: All Stars' players Adam King, Mark Long, and Ace Amerson with their arms around each other from when they were on 'The Real World'
MTV ‘Real World ‘stars Adam King, Mark Long, and Ace Amerson | Stuart Ramson/Getty Images

‘The Challenge’: Cory Wharton Said Fessy Shafaat is ‘Coming in Worse’ Next Season

So, when can MTV’s The Challenge fans watch All Stars? New episodes air on Paramount+ every Wednesday — and it seems the finale is coming soon. This season is slated to be much shorter than The Challenge: Double Agents, and it seems episode 7 already involves talk of the final.

After All Stars, fans are hopeful The Challenge will return for season 37. So far, it looks like it’ll return. The cast of season 36 has already started talking about future seasons, and spoilers suggest filming began in Croatia.

So, who will join The Challenge Season 37 cast? And will there be another season of All Stars to follow the stellar success of the first? We’re certainly hoping to find out soon.

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