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Professor Xavier is one of, if not the most essential mutant figure in the X-Men. The team is named after Charles himself, and he comes to lead various mutants in the battle against the brotherhood and the morally-driven fight for equality and peace between mutants and humans. He is the X-Men. 

In the Fox Franchise, Patrick Stewart and James McAvoy portrayed the character — one in youth and one is his later years. Yet, the Fox franchise took some liberties when it came to the source material — liberties that are not canonical, but worked with the existing landscape (to some extent). 

James McAvoy X-Men Marvel
Scottish actor James McAvoy as Charles Xavier, exercising his mental powers in a scene from the film ‘X-Men: First Class’, 2011 | Murray Close/Getty Images

In the comics, Professor Xavier is paralyzed when Magneto deflects a bullet that is shot at him in First Class; the bullet goes straight into Professor Xavier’s back, leaving the character in a wheelchair for the remainder of his life. However, this is not what happened in the comics. And, based on rumors surrounding the character, fans may receive a more source-accurate illustration under the Disney umbrella. 

How does Professor Xavier become paralyzed in the Marvel comics? 

In the comic books, it is not Xavier’s foil, Magneto, who puts him in a wheelchair. Rather, a member of an alien race, who goes by the name Lucifer, is responsible. In the comics. Lucifer drops a huge stone on Xavier’s legs to prevent Xavier from halting his mission. 

In the comics, Xavier is sometimes in a wheelchair, and he is sometimes able to walk with mechanical help. Yet, the movies tended to fully lean in one direction over the other — choosing polarities over middle-ground situations. Yet, considering Xavier is attached by an alien race, and he is rumored to be joining the MCU as a member of a team designed to fight such threats, the MCU may follow this story a little more closely.

Connecting Marvel comics to ‘Doctor Strange in the Multiverse of Madness’

According to recent insider reports, Doctor Strange will look to form The Illuminati in his second solo outing; pivotal team members will include Professor Xavier and Reed Richards (Mr. Fantastic). 

The team will reportedly be tasked with combating extra-terrestrial threats that will make their way to earth (and other galaxies) as a result of portal Scarlet Witch rips wide open, messing with the balance of time and space. With aliens on the horizon and The Illuminati coming into formation, fans will likely receive a young Charles Xavier, who is still able to walk. 


‘Doctor Strange 2’ May Form The Illuminati: Professor X & Mr. Fantastic to Join the MCU

Comabt with an invading alien race may lead to the fallout of events that paralyzes Xavier in the comics. Whether this will occur in an alternate timeline remains unknown, as anything can happen under the title “multiverse of madness.” The alien race may not be the same exact one in the comics. Yet, it’s likely that the MCU will more closely mimic the source material’s narrative, given the manner in which they plan to introduce the character to the landscape.