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Netflix‘s Virgin River has a very faithful following. It is one of the most-watched series on the streaming service. The series follows Mel Monroe (Alexandra Breckenridge), who moves to the small town and falls for Jack Sheridan (Martin Henderson), a retired Marine who owns the town’s bar.

Virgin River seems very straightforward, but it’s actually very unique.

Lauren Hammersley as Charmaine Roberts holding her pregnant belly in 'Virgin River'
Lauren Hammersley as Charmaine Roberts in ‘Virgin River’ | Netflix

‘Virgin River’ has a very strange timeline

As highly rated and watched as Virgin River is, fans have never been able to get past the slow-moving timeline. As much as happened to Mel since she moved to Virgin River, it appears that the series is moving at an absolute snail’s pace. Fans have never gotten over the fact that Charmaine (Lauren Hammersly) who has been pregnant with twins since season 1, only began showing in season 2.

“Things move slowly in Virgin River,” Breckenridge told Glamour. “I think Mel’s only been in Virgin River for maybe four months. It’s a hundred and some odd days; there’s a chart for it. She’s only nine weeks pregnant at this point, and Charmaine is like five months, apparently.”

However, the timeline is one of the reasons the show remains a standout.

The show is very unique

Many people are stunned by the fandom surrounding Virgin River until they get sucked into the fandom themselves. “I think this show exists in such a unique space, and the audience is so wide and varied,” Sarah Dungale, who plays Lizzie, explained to Express. “It’s not just a romance drama, or medical drama or crime drama; there are all these little bits and all these different relationships I think people can see themselves in. Maybe you know someone like a gossipy Aunt Connie with a heart of gold, or you are a teenager like Lizzie and you don’t really know what you want right now in life. I feel like there’s something for everybody to hold on to and really love, and I think that’s why people keep coming back.”


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‘Virgin River’ Season 5 will be the biggest of the series

Filming is already underway for the fourth season of Virgin River, and it’s going to be the biggest one yet. Greek creator  Patrick Sean Smith has taken over the series as showrunner for Sue Tenney. Though Smith wants to honor the integrity and the history of the series, he is also coming aboard with his own ideas.

“I think it’s bigger and better than any of the seasons we’ve done yet,” Ben Hollingsworth, who portrays Brady, told TV Line. “We’re doing some really ambitious stuff that you’ve never seen on Virgin River before. There’s a really big episode for Brady that’s gonna be a lot of fun for me to play. I imagine there’s gonna be some friction between Mike and Brady as it seems like Brie and Mike have become closer and closer. I would expect there’s gonna be some sort of reconciliation possibly between Jack and Brady now that he’s exonerated, but you’ll have to wait and see.”