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Since the very beginning of Jon & Kate Plus 8, viewers have not been able to keep their eyes away from the Gosselin family. While it began with Jon and Kate Gosselin’s story of how they came to have a set of twins and sextuplets, no one could have imagined the story would extend well past that into their deep interpersonal lives. Even after their divorce a decade ago, fans wanted to know what was going on with the Gosselin family next — and today, we still have questions about the kids.

The family is currently totally divided, and it has many fans wondering where the kids are going to school. Here’s what we’ve gathered.

Six of the Gosselin kids go to the same school or district

It would make sense for all eight of the Gosselin children to go to the same school, but such does not seem to be the case for this current school year. Back in August, Kate posted a photo of her kids on their first day of school to Instagram, and they looked excited to take on the new year. Mady and Cara were starting their senior year, and four of the sextuplets were beginning eighth grade. It’s possible the sextuplets are still in middle school, but they’re clearly all in the same district. “This was yesterday! Feels like school never ended…and they’re already back! #SeniorYear #EighthGrade #ProudMom,” Kate captioned the photo.

The only trouble was that only six of Kate’s eight kids were pictured here, alluding to the fact that two of her children were going to school elsewhere. Hannah and Collin were noticeably absent, and Kate made no mention of them going back to school whatsoever.

It seems Hannah Gosselin goes to a totally different school

As for why Hannah was absent from the back-to-school photo, she’s been living full-time with her father, Jon, for about a year. And around the same time that Kate posted her back-to-school photo of the six children, Jon also posted his own to Instagram of Hannah. “Congrats Hannah on your first day of school, proud of you. I admire your bravery starting fresh!!! I Love you very much and we have worked really hard to get here,” he captioned the post. “I’m so happy you integrated yourself into the community, you made friends all summer and now you will grow and graduate with them. I’m honored to be your father!!!”

We’re not totally sure how far away Hannah’s school is from her siblings’ district, as they all still live in Pennsylvania, but it seems pretty clear that Hannah is flying solo. And while she evidently still sees Kate and her siblings, as In Touch Weekly reported, she still definitely resides with Jon.

Collin will likely join Hannah at her public school after his ‘special needs’ program

Collin Gosselin has been one of the most talked-about of the Gosselin kids more recently. Us Weekly reminds us back in 2010, Kate told the media that Collin was attending a special facility for kids with “special needs.” And we got a bit more information about what these needs may have been from her book, I Just Want You to Know. In the book, she penned a letter to Collin describing volatile behavior. As for her decision to send him to a separate institution, she’s said, “It was not even really a choice, it was on the advice of his doctors and it had to happen.”

Fans noticed Collin was spending more time with Jon and Hannah from Jon’s Instagram posts, however. And now, Jon has gained custody of Collin after Kate failed to show up to court. Radar Online reported in November that Collin was upset he had to return to his treatment facility but was also excited about the idea of joining Hannah at her public school. As Eric Rodriguez, a barber who cut Collin’s hair, told the publication, “I asked him if he was excited about going to regular school and he said, yeah he’s super excited about it.”

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