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The Bachelorette Season 16 continued with its second episode on Tuesday, Oct. 20, and Clare Crawley’s journey just keeps getting more dramatic. After saying goodbye to eight men in the premiere, viewers wanted to see the men step up to the plate. But two group dates managed to inspire a few messy situations. So who went home on The Bachelorette Week 2? No one could’ve foreseen what happened on the night of the second rose ceremony.

Looking for another recap? Click here for Week 1, Week 3.

[Spoiler alert: The Bachelorette Season 16 Episode 2.]

Clare Crawley handpicked Dale for her first group date on ‘The Bachelorette’ Week 2

Crawley kicked off The Bachelorette Week 2 with a group date. The date was all about the five love languages — words of affirmation, quality time, receiving gifts, physical touch, and acts of service. And after a great first impression on night one, Crawley revealed she handpicked Dale to be on the date because she couldn’t wait to spend more time with him. 

Of course, the first group date highlighted connections being made. However, some contestants could clearly see the sparks between Crawley and Dale. Jordan C. even admitted he felt jealous. But even so, Crawley shared she was starting to see something with other cast members outside of Dale.

Now, this wasn’t a drama-free group date. During the “quality time” portion, Crawley had to tell her contestants to step up to the plate after an incredibly awkward silence. Eventually, Bennett asked Crawley to talk. However, the moment bothered the bachelorette, and she confronted the cast. 

Most of the men apologized to Crawley. There was a moment where Yosef wanted to speak for the other contestants, noting it was “crazy” for Crawley to think they weren’t all there for him. But he was quickly shut down. Meanwhile, Riley and Dale both had sweet one-on-one time with Crawley. But it was Riley who received the group date rose.

Clare Crawley sets fire to her dress from Juan Pablo Galavis’ breakup during her one-on-one with Jason

The Bachelorette Week 2 continued with a one-on-one date between Crawley and Jason. The hairstylist told her date to write a letter to his younger self, and she did the same. However, Jason wasn’t exactly excited to delve into his dark past.

During their one-on-one, Jason and Crawley opened up about their younger selves, sharing their insecurities. But this was the time to put their past behind them. Crawley even burned the dress she wore when she dumped Juan Pablo Galavis on The Bachelor.

Meanwhile, Jason revealed he was scared to let Crawley in. He had a dark past. And although he didn’t get into all the details in the second episode, Crawley was understanding and reassured him she wouldn’t run away. She gave Jason a rose.

Clare Crawley eliminates one man during the second group date of ‘The Bachelorette’ Week 2

The second group date of The Bachelorette Season 16 was interesting, to say the least. Crawley split the group into two teams to play a game of strip dodgeball. The winners got time with the lead, and the losers didn’t. Well, sort of.

Apparently, Blake Moynes thought it was a good idea to break the rules once more. Although he was on the losing team, Blake returned to spend some time with Crawley, interrupting Jay. At first, Crawley turned away the other men. However, she did the same to Blake. He left, sulking. But don’t feel too bad. Crawley talked to Blake before the rose ceremony, and she admitted she loved his actions. She gave him a rose. That said, she told him not to make a habit out of breaking the rules.

Back to the second group date, Crawley started opening up to the other contestants. And while some were able to have meaningful conversations, Brandon was not. The cast member told Crawley he was there for her. But he wasn’t able to articulate anything above surface level. He commented on Crawley’s beauty, but that’s about it. So Crawley eliminated Brandon on the spot because he wasn’t a good match. Meanwhile, Chasen received the group date rose.

Who went home on ‘The Bachelorette’ Week 2 on Tuesday, Oct. 20?

Clare Crawley on 'The Bachelorette' Season 16 Episode/Week 2
Clare Crawley on ‘The Bachelorette’ | Craig Sjodin via Getty Images

‘The Bachelorette’: Clare Crawley Kept the Dress From Her Iconic Breakup With Juan Pablo Galavis

A few things happened at the cocktail party before the Bachelorette rose ceremony. Yosef was upset about Crawley’s strip dodgeball game, claiming it was “classless” of her. He also told another contestant he planned to confront the lead about the group date.

Meanwhile, Crawley had another sweet conversation with Dale. They discussed Crawley’s mom during the quarantine, and how difficult the situation was for her. But ultimately, the conversation confirmed Crawley’s deep connection with her frontrunner. Dale even said he could see himself falling in love with Crawley. 

And that’s it. There was no rose ceremony elimination during The Bachelorette Week 2. Brandon was the only man who went home tonight, Oct. 20. Meanwhile, we have yet to see the confrontation between Crawley and Yosef. But as things stand, four contestants — Riley, Chasen, Jason, and Blake Moynes — are safe with a rose. Here are the 22 men who will be staying on The Bachelorette for at least another week:

  • Ben 
  • Bennett 
  • Blake Monar
  • Blake Moynes
  • Brendan
  • Chasen
  • Dale 
  • Demar
  • Ed 
  • Garin 
  • Ivan 
  • Jason 
  • Jay 
  • Joe 
  • Jordan C.
  • Kenny 
  • Riley
  • Tyler S.
  • Eazy
  • Yosef
  • Zac C.
  • Zach J.

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