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Live feeds and Big Brother have gone hand and hand since season 1. But is Big Brother Canada a sign that times are changing? Here is everything you need to know.

‘Big Brother Canada’ reveals Digital Dailies

The Canadian version of the show also had live feeds. But that is changing for season 11, according to Lisa Godfrey, Senior Vice President, Original Content and Corus Studios, Corus Entertainment in a press release.

We are known for giving audiences behind the scenes access to Big Brother Canada, and we’re excited to debut Digital Dailies this season. This new content offering came together after thoughtful consideration, with us taking a new approach to the BBCAN live feeds by offering an exclusive peek inside the house and moving away from the 24/7 live feeds. We are constantly looking for new ways to evolve the show to ensure we operate with the utmost duty of care and prioritize the mental health and well-being of the houseguests, and their family members, as well as our own production team who work closely on the series. We are happy to continue delivering the exclusive content we know audiences love, in a way that works best for our BBCAN family.

Lisa Godfrey

Many fans in the United States worried because Canadian twists and changes have made it into the show. But an unknown source claimed to know whether live feeds will disappear for season 25.

‘Big Brother 25’ reportedly will have live feeds

Not only was this news troubling. But Julie Chen Moonves has also been active on Twitter, which made fans wonder if an announcement is coming. On Feb. 22, she posted a selfie under a Big Brother sign and herself sitting in the house.

Entertainment Weekly reports a source close to the production said live feeds will be part of Big Brother 25. This is because live feeds available on Paramount+ have boosted subscriptions and kept the show in the conversation on social media. 

So although controversies have stemmed from houseguest’s actions on live feeds, they aren’t going anywhere soon.

Some ‘Big Brother’ alums do want live feeds to end

Julie Chen Moonves stands on stage for 'Big Brother' in a purple dress.
Julie Chen Moonves on ‘Big Brother’ | CBS via Getty Images

This isn’t the first time whether live feeds should stop has been a topic of conversation. Janelle Pierzina, who has competed in four seasons thinks they should end.

“If I could change one thing about Big Brother…hmmm. I would honestly change the live feeds,” she said on the Jack Vita Show.

“I agree with you, Janelle,” winner Rachel Reilly said. “However, I think Big Brother without live feeds is not Big Brother. And as much as I agree with everything you just said, I would be so sad if we couldn’t have live feeds because I love watching HOHs, endurance comps play out. I love watching when houseguests actually strategize.”

“I get that, but I feel like with the way the world’s going, I’m here to play Big Brother,” Pierzina replied. “I want people to play Big Brother, so to do that, you’re gonna have to get rid of the live feeds.”

So alums have different opinions about the future of live feeds. For now, those who are pro live feeds are getting what they want.