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The jury phase of Big Brother 24 just began, but fans are ready to share their picks for the eventual winner. Of course, this is Big Brother, and fans and players should always expect the unexpected. However, some believe that a few houseguests have the best chance of winning the $750,000 prize on finale night.

Michael Bruner, Jasmine Davis, Brittany Hoopes, Taylor Hale, and Monte Taylor, who all could be the 'Big Brother 24' winner, stand next to each other in the backyard after the week seven Head of Household competition.
Michael Bruner, Jasmine Davis, Brittany Hoopes, Taylor Hale, and Monte Taylor | Photo: CBS

Which houseguests are still competing for the $750,000?

As of the writing of this article, 10 houseguests remain in Big Brother 24. They are:

  • Taylor Hale
  • Monte Taylor
  • Michael Bruner
  • Brittany Hoopes
  • Joseph Abdin
  • Jasmine Davis
  • Terrance Higgins
  • Matthew Turner
  • Alyssa Snider
  • Kyle Capener

However, two people will leave on Thursday, Aug. 25, as a part of the split house twist. During the week seven Head of Household competition, Michael came in first place, and Terrance came in second. Because of the twist, Michael would be the HOH of the inside “Big Brochella” group, and Terrance would be the HOH of the backyard “Dyre Fest” crew.

Michael initially nominated Jasmine and Monte for eviction, and Terrance nominated Joseph and Turner. After Brittany won the Power of Veto, she chose to keep nominations the same. Terrance won the “Dyre Fest” POV and used it to take Turner off the block and nominated Kyle in his place. So either Jasmine or Monte will leave “Big Brochella,” and Joseph and Kyle are the two “Dyre Fest” members in danger of going to the jury house.

After the separate live evictions, the two groups will reunite. And only eight houseguests will remain in Big Brother 24.

Fans share who they believe will be the ‘Big Brother 24’ winner

Big Brother 24 fans jumped on Reddit during week seven of the season to discuss who they think will be the winner.

“Who’s winning Big Brother at this moment?” a Reddit user asked. “I would say the obvious answer is Michael, but I wouldn’t count Kyle or Monte out.”

One fan commented, “If they don’t get Michael out next week, he deserves to win. I think Taylor is going to fly under the radar the rest of the season — assuming she doesn’t have another HOH sh*tshow. I think final three (assuming Michael is gone soon) will be Taylor, Brit, and either Alyssa or Kyle.”

Another person added, “I think Michael, Brittany, Taylor, Monte, and Turner all have paths to victory. Kyle could maybe do it, but his goose is pretty cooked. I don’t think Terrance or Alyssa have any chance at all unless they are final two together, and I don’t know who wins there.”

A fan wrote, “I genuinely think it’s Michael. I think people are not targeting him soon enough, and I really believe in his comp-ability.”

Big Brother 24 has been a wild ride from the beginning, so it’s difficult to predict the winner. Many agree that Michael is playing the best game, but the houseguests are aware that he’ll beat anyone in the final two. So Michael will have to win even more competitions to make it to the end.

Assuming that Jasmine and Joseph are evicted on Aug. 25, we’ll likely see an evenly split house. And the eighth HOH competition will be the most important one yet.


‘Big Brother 24’ Spoilers: Joseph Throws Taylor Under the Bus

When is the ‘Big Brother 24’ finale?

The Big Brother 24 jury will crown the winner on Sunday, Sept. 25, at 8 p.m. ET. The two-hour finale will likely feature the final HOH competition of the summer, the last eviction, a jury roundtable segment, and the nine jurors casting their votes for the winner. Plus, viewers will see which player is America’s Favorite Houseguest.

Following the double eviction on Aug. 25, CBS will have to air one more double eviction to widdle down to three houseguests by the finale.

New episodes of Big Brother 24 air Sundays and Wednesdays at 8 p.m. ET and Thursdays at 9 p.m. ET on CBS.