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The first week of Big Brother 24 was one for the books. There were shocking twists (including Jasmine Davis’ fall), a Janelle Power of Veto moment, and alliances galore. However, the majority of week one was not so great. Fans accused the Big Brother 24 houseguests of bullying and racist/sexist behavior, and Paloma Aguilar’s mental health took a dramatic turn. And now that we’re in week two, things haven’t gotten much better.

Taylor Hale and Paloma Aguilar discuss the game during an episode of 'Big Brother 24.' Taylor wears a light pink hoodie. Paloma wears her black Backstage shirt.
Taylor Hale and Paloma Aguilar | Photo: CBS

Paloma chose to quit ‘Big Brother 24’

In the days leading up to the first live eviction of Big Brother 24, Paloma started to act strange. She was going on tangents, talking about if she won, she would split her winnings between the 16 houseguests — even though that’s forbidden. Also, Paloma declared that she believed they were all living in an Inception-like dream.

Clearly, she wasn’t getting enough sleep or food to eat, but Paloma’s mental health continued to decline. Many fans worried about her and wanted the producers to get her help.

Finally, on July 13, the night before the Big Brother 24 live eviction, Paloma went to the diary room and never came out. Paramount+ then turned off the live feeds, and they didn’t return until after the Head of Household competition on July 14. During the live show, host Julie Chen Moonves informed viewers that Paloma had left the game for personal reasons.

The ‘Big Brother 24’ players posit that Taylor is the reason why Paloma left

Following Paloma’s departure, Jasmine Davis won the second HOH of Big Brother 24. She nominated Joe “Pooch” Pucciarelli and Taylor Hale for eviction, with Pooch as her target and Taylor as her pawn. But if nominating her two weeks in a row wasn’t enough to tear her down, now some of the houseguests are blaming Taylor for Paloma’s exit from the game.

During the late hours of July 15, Daniel Durston, Nicole Layog, and Terrance Higgins were discussing Paloma in the Have-Not room. According to one live feeds updater on Twitter, the three houseguests claimed that Taylor made it about her when Paloma left. They said that Taylor should have to feel how Paloma was feeling. And Nicole also stated that Taylor “added” to whatever was ailing Paloma.

Terrance, at one point, directly blamed Taylor for affecting Paloma’s mental health. Of course, fans aren’t happy with these allegations.

One fan wrote on Twitter, “This is awful. Production needs to sit them down and talk about this. Paloma’s mental health was affected by lack of sleep and her own issues. Taylor did nothing to that girl … Production cannot allow the house to weaponize Paloma’s departure as game. They absolutely need to put a stop to that if it begins. [Big Brother Canada] does not hesitate to ensure a safe environment for [houseguests], and if Taylor is blamed for Paloma, she is not in one.”

Unfortunately, this wasn’t the first time the Big Brother 24 houseguests, including Paloma, unfairly targeted Taylor.


Why ‘Big Brother 24’ Fans Are Threatening to Cancel Their Live Feeds

The houseguests have been tagerting Taylor since night one

Paloma and her number one ally Alyssa Snider had it out for Taylor since they moved into the Big Brother house. They didn’t like that she was a pageant girl and believed that she would be a “seductress” to win over the men. And their feelings about Taylor quickly spread throughout the house.

Daniel ended up putting Taylor on the block for “rubbing people the wrong way,” and he claimed that she needed to apologize to people she had wronged. However, Taylor had no idea what she did. Her only “mistake” was warning Monte Taylor that Paloma and the girls thought the men would be coming after them. As a result, Monte ran to Paloma, who denied everything. And Monte believed Paloma and turned his back on Taylor.

Thanks to Paloma’s departure, Taylor is still competing in Big Brother 24. Unfortunately, it will be tough for her to make it to the end, given the Big Brother cast’s unfair hatred toward her.

A new episode of Big Brother 24 airs on Wednesday, July 20, at 8 p.m. ET on CBS.

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