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King Charles‘ culinary preferences are as unique as they are intriguing. Known to sample some of the finest dishes around the globe, Charles has one item on his menu that is a bit odd. 

Charles insists on a particular side dish at every meal, and it features a surprising twist. A blend of simple ingredients and precise preparation, it’s a culinary peculiarity that defines Charles’s meals and, perhaps, offers insight into his character.

King Charles requires this side item at every meal

Despite his preferences and distaste for certain foods, Charles is drawn repeatedly to one dish that never fails to tantalize his palate.

Graham Tinsley, who formerly oversaw the Welsh Culinary Team, expressed that the Prince’s culinary requirements include a specific side salad for every meal. In an interview with Hello Magazine, Tinsley revealed that the salad’s precision was paramount.

“The Prince requires a side salad for every meal – and this salad was very precise,” Tinsley shared.

Charles’ enthusiasm for coddled eggs, which are boiled merely for two to three minutes, is noteworthy. This fascination with such a delicate dish is evident in Tinsley’s reflection: 

“Normally a soft-boiled egg takes around five minutes. So imagine this coddled egg… it’s going to be very, very soft,” he explained.

The king’s cherished salad incorporates a coddled egg, artfully concealed beneath a lush carpet of salad leaves. The unique touch comes when he mashes it all, creating a texture akin to mayonnaise. 

This detail adds to the intrigue of this royal favorite, but there are some foods Charles completely avoids.

His Majesty doesn’t have these foods on his menu

Charles has undoubtedly enjoyed tasting some of the world’s most exquisite dishes. But there are specific ingredients that simply fail to please his palate.

In addition to sharing insights into the preferred culinary preferences of the royal, Tinsley uncovered that Charles harbors a distinct aversion to three commonly adored ingredients.

Most people have an affection for chocolate, yet Charles, according to reports, does not share this common enthusiasm. As Tinsley clarified in his account, Charles doesn’t have a taste for the sweet treat. And that’s not all he refuses to put in his meals. 

“[King] Charles doesn’t like chocolate, he doesn’t like coffee, nor does he like garlic,” Tinsley stated.

These preferences require careful consideration and thoughtfulness in crafting a menu tailored to Charles’ unique tastes. The challenge of meeting royal expectations while avoiding these widely appreciated ingredients surely adds a layer of complexity to the chef’s task.

Camilla Parker Bowles shares a disdain for garlic with King Charles

Charles isn’t alone in his royal family when it comes to avoiding garlic. His wife, Camilla Parker Bowles, shares this sentiment as well.

Speaking to You Magazine, Camilla delved into the details of the foods that she absolutely cannot tolerate.

Camilla stated: “I can’t bear peppers, raw or cooked. I’m not a fan of offal either, aside from very good liver. And I avoid chili and garlic too, unlike my son.”


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Interestingly, in another setting, Camilla implied that her objection to garlic is not necessarily about the flavor but more about its distinct aroma.

Camilla went into more detail about her aversion to garlic during her appearance on MasterChef Australia. Camilla was forthright after a contestant asked her about any ingredients she’d rather not find at a royal gathering. 

“I hate to say this, but garlic. Garlic is a no-no,” she said.

The queen quickly added that eating garlic is not a good idea whenever you are about to meet a group of people. And in her line of work, this is practically a daily occurrence.