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Fans watched the Love Is Blind Season 4 cast talk about each other behind their back and even say hurtful things in person. Showbiz Cheat Sheet talked to Bliss Poureetezadi over Zoom on March 30. She addresses some of the drama and gossip in this season.

[Spoiler alert: This article contains spoilers from Love Is Blind Season 4 episodes 1 – 5.]

Bliss’s theory on Jackie saying Zack needed to stay away on ‘Love Is Blind’

Q: Obviously, the whole cast dates each other in the pods, so everyone has their own little judgments of why someone wasn’t for them and everything like that. Zack [Goytowski] seems to be one of the most polarizing people. Lots of people love him. And then there are a few people that have such strong opinions about him. One of them, Jackelina “Jackie” Bonds, flat out saying that Zack needs to stay away from her during the honeymoon. Were you surprised at all by that? What are your thoughts?

Bliss: I definitely was surprised. And by the way, Jackie has since apologized about that to me. And so it’s I think it’s one of those things where there was a narrative that was trying to be pushed maybe by Irina [Solomonova]. And this is just–I can’t speak to it. I wasn’t there. This is just my take on it.

And when a woman comes to you saying, like, ‘This guy is doing this and he’s being weird.’ And you know, you’re like, ‘Oh my gosh.’ Like you’re automatically in support of that. So that’s kind of how I’m seeing all of this.

They didn’t know Zack, right? Like, I don’t think that Jackie had very many dates with Zack. like she, you know, you cut people pretty quickly. Then you have as the days go on and you are cutting more and more people. But I just don’t think she knew him, and she was just making judgments kind of based off of what she heard, which a lot of people do that. And so that’s really what I think that was about.

Bliss believes Irina did have ill intent with her comments

Irina of 'Love Is Blind' Season 4 poses in a pink dress.
Irina of ‘Love Is Blind’ Season 4 | Netflix

Q: My one Irina question for you is, is that she claimed during the process she seems somewhat self-aware. She’s like, ‘I don’t want to be mean.’ And she also made some comments, like asking if you are trying to sabotage her love life and then laughing it off. There were just a lot of comments there that other people also saw with like Zack saying she was vicious at the same time of moving forward with the engagement. I think the one question, because of a lot of the apologies and like the conversation, is that Irina didn’t know how she was coming across, even though it seems like people were letting her aware of how it was coming across. And yeah, she said on the [We Have the Receipts] podcast that she might have made you feel uncomfortable, but there was no ill intent. How do you feel about her claim that there was no ill intent? Do you think it’s a cover? Do you believe her?

Bliss: I think so. I think that podcast probably was recorded before she actually saw the show, right? And so she’s maybe, I mean, this was a year ago. She’s probably wanting to give herself a little grace, which I totally understand.

But I think I don’t agree that there was no ill intent there. I think it’s pretty obvious that there was. And I’m never here to bash anyone. I just want to speak to the fact of that. And I hope that she’s taking this. It’s kind of like a mirror, right? Like you’re seeing a mirror image of yourself, and sometimes we don’t see ourselves clearly. We justify things. And so maybe that’s why she said those things.

And again, like she’s a multifaceted person, like all of us, like there’s different sides to her. There is goodness in her. And I know that Zack tends to see, like, the good in people. Like, he truly does. And I know that that’s part of what happened in their scenario.

So I get it. And I hope that she moves forward. And I think maybe watching it back, she’ll be able to admit that, yeah, there probably was ill intent there, and that was bad of me. That’s like my hope for her, you know, in responding to that.

It sounds like the cast has been apologizing to each other as the new episodes are released. Fans can keep watching Bliss’s journey on Love Is Blind on Netflix.

This interview has been condensed for this article.

Bliss Poureetezadi poses in a yellow dress with her hands on her hips on 'Love Is Blind' Season 4.
Bliss Poureetezadi on ‘Love Is Blind’ Season 4 | Netflix